buster. 5,450 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 Hildy, you posted the link to a Buy Rangers video in a Rangers First thread. Don't you think that that could be perceived as being a tad confrontational and lead to increased friction? Whether it could be or not is a question but for me you have to go wayback to the root of the division for the answer that might begin to shine a light on why we are presently where we are, regards 'polarised division'. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rangersitis 0 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 Whether it could be or not is a question but for me you have to go wayback to the root of the division for the answer that might begin to shine a light on why we are presently where we are, regards 'polarised division'. Look, I have no time for any of the petty personal differences between folk. If they can't put all that aside and concentrate on what they portray to be the most important thing, Rangers, then they should take their inflated egos and cravings to be on a committee and join a fucking bowling club. That goes for all sides before you read that as an anti-RST comment. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
buster. 5,450 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 Look, I have no time for any of the petty personal differences between folk. If they can't put all that aside and concentrate on what they portray to be the most important thing, Rangers, then they should take their inflated egos and cravings to be on a committee and join a fucking bowling club. That goes for all sides before you read that as an anti-RST comment. I can understand and share the frustration. My post was about recognizing the main root cause for why we are so polarised. I didn't take your post as an 'anti-anything' comment tbh and have no allegiences to any fans group other than general support for what the SoS have done. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rangersitis 0 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 I can understand and share the frustration.My post was about recognizing the main root cause for why we are so polarised. I didn't take your post as an 'anti-anything' comment tbh and have no allegiences to any fans group other than general support for what the SoS have done. Apologies, I thought you were referring specifically to the various share schemes. It is extremely frustrating, especially when the bitching and blame games start. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappa 0 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 We even have two singing sections. They tried to be together but it didn't work out. Having 2 separate singing sections instead of 2 very different groups lumped together into a corner is a good thing. Plus, maybe the singing will eventually catch on and we'll have dozens of singing sections generating a great atmosphere at Ibrox. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tannochsidebear 2,463 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 Tell me, how did that work out for you when Whyte and Green's mob were doing their plundering? I do realise that this is a vastly different scenario, but as it is a discussion board, it doesn't seem right that you should be telling folk to keep their thoughts to themselves. It's a very different scenario, as you concede, so I don't really see the point in making the comparison. What I was getting at is do we really need to be bitching about one share purchase vehicle over another, at such a precarious time when what we really need is for fans to be buying into this concept in huge numbers. If bears want to avoid the RST one, go with the Rangers First option, and vice versa. IMO both BuyRangers & RangersFirst should be promoting the other as a valid alternative/complimentary option, not have their members denegrating the other. I dont see the need to have a pop at one of the vehicles, when the bigger picture in this case is oh so much bigger. I have signed up to both, that surely should be the aim for both parties. A day may come in the future when they will have to work together for the common good to combine their voting strength against other shareholders who want to sell off our stadium or something similarly horrible, so lets see if we can keep it positive. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rangersitis 0 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 It's a very different scenario, as you concede, so I don't really see the point in making the comparison. What I was getting at is do we really need to be bitching about one share purchase vehicle over another, at such a precarious time when what we really need is for fans to be buying into this concept in huge numbers. If bears want to avoid the RST one, go with the Rangers First option, and vice versa. IMO both BuyRangers & RangersFirst should be promoting the other as a valid alternative/complimentary option, not have their members denegrating the other. I dont see the need to have a pop at one of the vehicles, when the bigger picture in this case is oh so much bigger. I have signed up to both, that surely should be the aim for both parties. A day may come in the future when they will have to work together for the common good to combine their voting strength against other shareholders who want to sell off our stadium or something similarly horrible, so lets see if we can keep it positive. I'm in agreement about the squabbles between groups, as can be seen above, but if either of the schemes have aspects worthy of criticism, those points should be allowed to be aired even if they are not considered 'nice' by some. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveC 150 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 Lets be honest here - we were dysfunctional before they came along. OK, they've nurtured the divisions but the fault-lines were clearly in existence before they came along. In many ways, individualism is our byword, communality is seen as sheep like behaviour. No, not the Dons, I mean the "to the car park, Declan" mentality that we forever scorn. Truth be told, we could have done with that "to the car park" mentality. The very nice videos (well done to BOTH, I support you both I just wish you were one) throw into high relief that we have failed in our duty to protect the thing we love. I write this as an ardent individualist, so I recognize my own guilt, I live far away is my other excuse when I should have got on a train, taken a month off work and camped outside the gracious if dilapidated old lady. I have/do/am (no longer true in all cases but true in all over the last few years) contributed to and encouraged others to give to the RST, BuyRangers, RangersFirst, RFF and have bought shares. I've never once done so thinking it would really help - apart from the RFF, which hasn't in any case. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveC 150 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 Having 2 separate singing sections instead of 2 very different groups lumped together into a corner is a good thing. Plus, maybe the singing will eventually catch on and we'll have dozens of singing sections generating a great atmosphere at Ibrox. There you go with that misplaced optimism again Have you forgotten already that it is two steps forward and three back? Crowds are going down, not up "Dozens of singing sections" ffs - I've been going to Ibrox for over 50 years. Bayern Munich semi in 72 aside I can't recall ever hearing "dozens of singing" sections.* * No, games against them don't count! PS I'll stop nagging you now but the glass is nearly empty, Zappa - close to being tossed out by a laughing and scornful barman - not half full! 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappa 0 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 There you go with that misplaced optimism again Have you forgotten already that it is two steps forward and three back? Crowds are going down, not up "Dozens of singing sections" ffs - I've been going to Ibrox for over 50 years. Bayern Munich semi in 72 aside I can't recall ever hearing "dozens of singing" sections.* * No, games against them don't count! I don't want to continue this much more since it's off-topic for this thread, but I was obviously being sarcastic with the 'dozens' comment. I do think the two sections are better apart. In fact, I never thought it was a good idea for The Blue Order & Union Bears to be merged and chucked into the corner in BF1 in the first place. Going back to Hildy's original point about the two singing sections splitting again, I wonder if there was maybe a bit more to it than just differences of opinion etc? For example, there wasn't actually enough space for both groups in BF1 as more and more young lads wanted in with the UB section and it started spilling right over into BF2 for a lot of games. It might still spill over into BF2 anyway, but at least TBO aren't caught up in the BF1 chaos (and policing) and can get on with their own displays etc as they did previously. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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