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There may be an excuse but it's extremely damaging to the credibility of the exercise, if deadlines can be ignored so early in the process.


If someone is on holiday then it's easy enough to give an ETA of the minutes and not just leave everyone hanging in the wind. Given that does not appear to have happened and the club do not appear to be giving this any level of importance now that the obligatory photo shoot has been issued then it strengthens the claims of some that it's purely a box ticking exercise.


I have established that the delay is nothing to do with anyone being on holiday and I can only agree that the delay in publishing the Minutes of the first meeting is unfortunate to say the least.

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Yes I have been on it. Draft Minutes have been issued and I suggested some amendments which appear to have been agreed.


Therefore I can only assume that the Minutes will now be published in early course.


BH, what was the hold-up ?


Did the amendments you suggested have to do with issues pertaining to 'away games' ?

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I have established that the delay is nothing to do with anyone being on holiday and I can only agree that the delay in publishing the Minutes of the first meeting is unfortunate to say the least.


Who chaired the meeting and who took the minutes?

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We will just need to wait and see.


If it was an Old Firm game tomorrow I bet they'd all be going to the game. It's convenient what games they pick and choose to attend or not that I'm sceptical....


It looks like one member elected to represent the fans is closer to the suits.



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