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Are you hard of understanding? Read again the quote you have just posted. And then read again post #66.


In fact read post #21 in the Share movement thread where you are exhorting us to read between the lines.

Now are you finished with this nonsense?


You tried to twist Hildy's words to suit your own agenda and made an utter arse of it.


Try a mea culpa and get over it.




I remember now, it was a few months back where I railed on you for an answer. I forget the thread or I would look it up. Is this you obtaining retribution?

Good for you son, I hope you are feeling justified.


I haven't a clue what the f*&k you're on about re retribution.


In any case you're flattering yourself if you think you're that important.

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You tried to twist Hildy's words to suit your own agenda and made an utter arse of it.


Try a mea culpa and get over it.





I haven't a clue what the f*&k you're on about re retribution.


In any case you're flattering yourself if you think you're that important.


And you made me pay for any transgressions, perceived or otherwise, good for you.

Edited by barca72
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