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I don't think it's fair to say people aren't very bright just because they want to be positive or may disagree just how 'bad' some issues are. I'd certainly question their outlook but everyone sees issues differently. It would be a boring place if we all agreed.


Studies have shown that people with higher intelligence are more likely to optimistic. Others show that optimistic people tend to be more realistic.


I think one of the reasons for the former is that they tend to think they have the power to improve things or that opportunities to do so will come along, and the latter is that optimists tend to see both sides but are still optimistic while pessimists tend to see everything as bad refuse to acknowledge anything good.

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Sometimes things aren't always as they seem.


Whether that could apply at least in part to the above or not, we'll have to think about.


VB's intentions and opinions can often be questioned but if they're taking the creme puff with the performance of the board, then I'd say that must be quite worrying for those that do think the board's intentions are noble. If indeed there are any such people left.


In saying that, with the re-emergence of our Yorkshire French fancy in recent weeks and VB's past relationship to his team, I wouldn't blame anyone for reading between the lines in that sense. I would be careful not to add 2 + 2 and get 5 though.


Ah, the wonders of the fractured RFC support! Whatever next!?

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Studies have shown that people with higher intelligence are more likely to optimistic. Others show that optimistic people tend to be more realistic.


I think one of the reasons for the former is that they tend to think they have the power to improve things or that opportunities to do so will come along, and the latter is that optimists tend to see both sides but are still optimistic while pessimists tend to see everything as bad refuse to acknowledge anything good.


What about us pragmatists? :(

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The figure is accurate, my source is impeccable.


That includes the free staff ones gunslinger mentioned previously and also over 200 wheelchair & carer tickets.


Last figure I'm aware of was 23.5k including the gratis ones so less than 23k actually sold by then.


The IPO gave a net value of £219 per season ticket so probably circa £250 now.


The only way season ticket sales will exceed 30k is if the Board is replaced.

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I'm not suggesting it's a good number what I'm saying is two things:


  • It's a lot higher than at least one poster on here was suggesting for a long time over the summer

  • IF we get an average of say 12,000 paper tickets sold per match and 25,000+ ST sales; then overall we'll be down about 10% and that will be partly offset by the higher price of ST's and the differential in single ticket prices (which is greater for the bigger and better attended games). The clear issue is one of cashflow, overall I don't think there will be big drop in ticket revenue.


But there will be a drop. And the auditors did note we needed an increase.


What now?

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I'm not suggesting it's a good number what I'm saying is two things:


  • It's a lot higher than at least one poster on here was suggesting for a long time over the summer
  • IF we get an average of say 12,000 paper tickets sold per match and 25,000+ ST sales; then overall we'll be down about 10% and that will be partly offset by the higher price of ST's and the differential in single ticket prices (which is greater for the bigger and better attended games). The clear issue is one of cashflow, overall I don't think there will be big drop in ticket revenue.


Going from last year, that still looks like they will have to plug a £10m+ hole to finish the financial year. Perhaps this has been reduced by other income and some cuts as well as less opportunities to syphon money off, but then they still have last year's loan to pay also.


I still presume they are trying to tread water and just about hold out till next season where we might start to break even - but that would be without a war-chest for recruiting players of the ability that we need.


That's where lack discontent with the board and the performances of the team could collide and combine into a critical mass.


After that, the exit strategy could be pretty scary with sale and leaseback as possible last throws of the dice before handing the stripped carcass over to Dave King - for a sum.


Either that or they start running the club "properly" and secure tens of millions of pounds of "soft" investment. I'm finding this scenario a hard one to put my money on.

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VB's intentions and opinions can often be questioned but if they're taking the creme puff with the performance of the board, then I'd say that must be quite worrying for those that do think the board's intentions are noble. If indeed there are any such people left.


In saying that, with the re-emergence of our Yorkshire French fancy in recent weeks and VB's past relationship to his team, I wouldn't blame anyone for reading between the lines in that sense. I would be careful not to add 2 + 2 and get 5 though.


Ah, the wonders of the fractured RFC support! Whatever next!?


It's been a complicated political game in the background for a number of years that has often had Jack Irvine pushing and pulling levers for the benfit of those signing his cheques.


What you have now is a more sceptical landscape for Irvine or similar to 'play his games' which tends to make one think that he or similar will have to change tact. On one hand you have the proposed membership scheme that was first conceived by Rangers when Irvine was very much at the centre of the communications strategy.


On the other there are other possibilities that I'm reluctant to go into at the moment until I can firm them up at least a little from the 'possibility' stage............... I always try to get to 4, not 5 and at the moment I don't know.


As the person who first put the 'Toxic' beside Jack.....I've been on his case and others like him for a while :D

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I'm not suggesting it's a good number what I'm saying is two things:


  • It's a lot higher than at least one poster on here was suggesting for a long time over the summer

  • IF we get an average of say 12,000 paper tickets sold per match and 25,000+ ST sales; then overall we'll be down about 10% and that will be partly offset by the higher price of ST's and the differential in single ticket prices (which is greater for the bigger and better attended games). The clear issue is one of cashflow, overall I don't think there will be big drop in ticket revenue.


1. That is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is the current figure for ST sales.


2. I'm not buying your 25,000+ figure at all. If it's sub 24k just now, then it's unlikely to rise up to 25k until Dec/Jan when they'll sell some half season books.


I also can't see the average for home league match paper tickets over the course of the full season being anywhere near 12k per match because there's a lot of twists and turns still to come over the next couple of months and remember, we're still in the 'fair weather' part of the year.


Poor or problematic accounts could easily cause further significant drops in ticket sales. If the board take any drastic measures to raise working capital then again, that could cause drops in ticket sales.


In fact, almost everything you can think of would suggest ticket sales being likely to drop rather than rise unless there's major power & boardroom changes.


The only way the board could significantly increase tickets sales is by signing a high quality player or two before the transfer window closes. A Cuellar or Bougherra type singing for central defense and Weiss for a skillful and creative attacking option would do the trick, but the Club can't afford it and the fans know the Club can't currently afford it, so it might not even work as a carrot.

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