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It is indeed a subjective opinion based on conversations with various folk.



Enough folk and a comprehensive enough conversations to be able to state in such a categoric manner........



"IMHO most of those who have not renewed have taken the position of being selective because of the poor quality of football on show and many of those who cite the Board etc as their reason are using this as an excuse to hide the real reasons which are the lack of quality/poor tactics/duff opposition etc."



........must have spent a fair few days at it.

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It is indeed a subjective opinion based on conversations with various folk.


The financial situation is indeed pressing, all the more reason to support the Club.


I am supporting the club.


They're not supporting me.

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That is quite a claim to make, even for you.


Perhaps you are making a judgement based on how you with all your related experience cheered on Charles Green& his mysterious backers whilst they 'robbed' and set-up 'onerous contracts'.


I'd venture that many have learnt from bitter experience and this has shaped their current outlook and decision-making regards the club. They also still see many of the mysterious backers and other names in the background loading up their wheelbarrows........Perhaps it isn't unreasonable to assume that many are fed up with part of their Blue Pound sailing off on an onerous journey.


If the lack of spend were down to mainly football reasons then why the sudden fall this summer ?


Answered elsewhere but I'd add that the fact that I didn't see through CG until "the interview" puts me in the majority I'd venture to suggest and it does not render my opinions on unrelated matters, or those of others who were similarly taken in, any less valid.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
Comma in the wrong place!
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I am supporting the club.


They're not supporting me.


Blue Pound is now divided between club and sp.ivs.


Effectively we are paying a 'spi.v tax'.




ps. this thread and it's constant posting is like being on FF :laugh:

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The figure is accurate, my source is impeccable.


If the sub 24k figure is accurate, then it's a very big worry for the Club because Saturday will be our 3rd league home game and ST sales (full, not half STs) are highly unlikely to rise by any considerable amount now that the season is well under way.

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Blue Pound is now divided between club and sp.ivs.


Effectively we are paying a 'spi.v tax'.




ps. this thread and it's constant posting is like being on FF :laugh:


Over 1000 posts in a few months isn't bad going... :whistle:


Certainly looks like another fan group/website is opening their eyes to this board's lack of engagement:



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If the sub 24k figure is accurate, then it's a very big worry for the Club because Saturday will be our 3rd league home game and ST sales (full, not half STs) are highly unlikely to rise by any considerable amount now that the season is well under way.




Sure, the number may increase in Dec/Jan as half-season STs are bought but I doubt it will be any more than 25K at best.

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Sure, the number may increase in Dec/Jan as half-season STs are bought but I doubt it will be any more than 25K at best.


Indeed and the drop in sales is significantly more than the price rises are capable of covering. Had the drop in sales only been a 20% drop, then price rises would have covered it, but the drop is a hell of lot more than 20%, so when you factor in that the board's financial planning (more like fudging than planning) were based on projections of increased ST sales, then it paints a worrying picture.

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If the sub 24k figure is accurate, then it's a very big worry for the Club because Saturday will be our 3rd league home game and ST sales (full, not half STs) are highly unlikely to rise by any considerable amount now that the season is well under way.


I'm not suggesting it's a good number what I'm saying is two things:


  • It's a lot higher than at least one poster on here was suggesting for a long time over the summer

  • IF we get an average of say 12,000 paper tickets sold per match and 25,000+ ST sales; then overall we'll be down about 10% and that will be partly offset by the higher price of ST's and the differential in single ticket prices (which is greater for the bigger and better attended games). The clear issue is one of cashflow, overall I don't think there will be big drop in ticket revenue.

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