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That's precisely why I underlined "can". He did indeed have that option but then the same time factor would have applied as if he tried to convene his own panel.


Basically he had an hour to make a decision. He might have been wiser to try to organise a teleconference OR bat it off on the Appeals Committee as you suggest; but he chose not to.


Without doubt he would have been advised by the UEFA Secretariat as to precedents etc; I strongly suspect they would have prepared a paper for him to consider with an outcome already suggested. He would not just have sat in a dark room and meditated for an hour. I am quite sure that some discussions would have taken place, even if ultimately it has been presented as one man's decision.


Note that if he had sent it direct to the Appeals Committee there would have been no further appeal available within UEFA (unless they have a procedure for a second Appeal Tribunal to hear the same case, whiuch I doubt) but I haven't checked. So he might have been advised against that route.


In any event none of this constitutes grounds for Appeal.


Sorry haven't had time to check the Rules they have cited; but you'll know the outcome tomorrow anyway, so not much point in further speculation.





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On these three points of Appeal at a quick read:


17.1 - Not clear if this can override a mandatory penalty; on the face of it, it might, but then what would be the point of a mandatory penalty. It's not clear if Legia have put forward any mitigating circumstances or indeed what might constitute mitigating circumstances in this case. Possibly the fact that the suspension had actually been served? Also not clear what might constitute aggravating circumstances.


17.2 - As far as we know UEFA charged Legia so this does not appear to apply.


20.1 - May have allowed a suspension of the disciplinary procedures; but it's not clear how that would have helped Legia as ultimately the case would have been decided on the same facts. May have allowed the Chair a case for delaying a decision but then we go back to the time of the draw etc and his reasons for going ahead.


17.2 Seems to be Legia's strongest hope but without knowing how it has been applied in the past it is difficult to make an assessment in this case.


Overall, my feeling is that the Appeal will fail and UEFA will be content for Legia to take it to the CAS.

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Oh I don't expect uefa to uphold the appeal. Or I would be surprised if that's the case. I can see it going to CAS but even that is not a quick solution. They probably won't loose there place as it would be 3 months or so down the line

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Legia Warsaw say their appeal has been heard and UEFA will outline their decision ''tonight or tomorrow morning".


I'm hoping this is good news. Surely if Legia's appeal was going to be dismissed, UEFA would simply have said, 'naw, beat it' - but it sounds like they are spending today getting all their ducks in a row instead.


Let's hope they are working on a statement which begins, "The official who awarded Celtic a walkover victory did nothing wrong. However,....."

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