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The rangers news part is at the bottom of the forum section



Is Admin









There has been an immense amount of work going on for the last couple of months behind the scenes at Rangers First.




A significant amount of work has been done by those that volunteered to be involved on the Working Parties and the Steering Group.




It has been frustrating at times as much of the foundational work being done has involved third parties like Banks and other institutions and these organisations tend to advance at their own speed, and not at the speed our enthusiasm would have them move.




This has meant that the Steering Group has on a number of occasions simply not been able to say very much about what is going on in the background because a number of the jobs being done were not finished.




The Steering Group is as aware as every other member and potential member that communication is key to move the aims of Rangers First forward to grow our membership and take control of more shares.




At the SG meeting last night we decided to change tack on how we communicate, and rather than doing big monthly updates to try and communicate more regularly in smaller updates about what is going on, and to use this forum as a way of getting the information out for all to see and be pointed to from twitter and Facebook etc.




Hopefully this will give you all a feel of the advances that are taking place and more importantly give you a route to which you can help the organisation grow.




It is your Community Interest Company, the foundation has now been built but it is for the membership now to build upon.




It is always frustrating when organisations go quiet but please be assured it is certainly not because nothing is happening.




So here are a couple of small updates for today, more will follow, and hopefully you can engage with each topic asking questions or volunteering for an area of interest to you, we will then summarise the more key updates into a larger email send to the full membership via email and a website update:




Bank Accounts




We can confirm that two bank accounts are now in place, this has taken some time to do as although all the bank contacts, meetings and paperwork were in hand for some time we could only complete the final bit of paperwork when we had the CIC company number and only got that when the Rangers First CIC was approved by the regulator which was only a few weeks ago




It is now done and this now enables us to move forward with establishing the share trading account.






Your Rangers First Membership and U16 membership




In the next few days each member will be sent information probably in the form of a printable certificate confirming your involvement with RF. Once this is done you will then be able to access your RF online account and sign up U16 members that you vouch for, this will also form the backbone of our online voting system going forward




U16 membership will be free. Free membership will carry no voting rights but will be an important route to building the membership and building the voting membership for the future.




So look out for this in the next few days and get signing.






That is a small update for just now, more will come very soon, in particular we will start looking at the Governance and Election process and will invite those who are members to take part in our first vote regarding an issue that members need to consider at Rangers First




Please contact your fellow Bears and talk to them about Rangers First, if you would like a presentation from RF to your local RSC or other group then let us know.




49 minutes ago 0 likes


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