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What part of no is causing you the problem?


I learned aged 18 just how worthless money actually is.


I learned aged 30 the utter folly of chasing a fast buck.


Your refusal to answer the question is disappointing.

If you're going to condemn McCoist for doing something then either be clear that you would not have taken the million shares if they had been offered or stop criticising him for something you would have done yourself.

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Your refusal to answer the question is disappointing.

If you're going to condemn McCoist for doing something then either be clear that you would not have taken the million shares if they had been offered or stop criticising him for something you would have done yourself.


Jesus f*&king wept.


Would I have told fans to buy season tickets in exchange for cheapo shares from Chuckles, no.
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you're asking and answering your own question, not the one I am putting to you.


I'll try one last time.


Would you have bought shares in Rangers for 1p if you had had the chance to do so?


Do you think chuckles woke up one morning and said I'm going to give Ally a million penny shares out of the goodness of my heart?


There was a quid pro quo in regards to McCoist's million penny shares, I had nothing Green desperately wanted ergo the answer is no.

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for some reason Michael Howard springs to mind


Funnily enough Mary Keller springs to mine.


two questions a) what was the full price when McCoist was offered the shares b)[
Depending on how close to Chuckles you were the prices were 1p, 50p, 99p and £1


(There's a reason he was one of the select group of penny share recipients).



why in the name of good would anyone pay more for something than they have to? Would you?

Depends on how much value you place upon gaining a fast buck and what you're prepared to do to get it.


(Every time I put petrol in the BP in Dundee I pay more than I would have to at Tesco 1 mile back up the road as do the thousands of others who do the same.)

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that doesn't answer the question of why anyone would pay more for something than they had to.


Would you have turned down a million shares in Rangers at a penny a time?


To put money into the club. But really he should just have refused the shares.

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you're asking and answering your own question, not the one I am putting to you.


I'll try one last time.


Would you have bought shares in Rangers for 1p if you had had the chance to do so?


Sorry to butt in here but,


I know i wouldn't have. Not something like this and being the Rangers man that i am, with the clubs best interests at heart and being a *multi millionaire who didn't need to make more money from my struggling club. It's much like his salary, no way could i have went into season 2012/13 with that salary hanging over me, i would have immediately post admin demanded talks to reduce my salary to a more suitable level, perhaps 1/10of what it was. Afterall, money is not my driving force, the good of Rangers and it's fans is. The brass neck on him!


Money is king for McCoist, that is his priority, not Rangers.


*hypothetically, we know Super is most definitely.

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£1.20 was the price they originally wanted to float at, that's why some paid £1.


Wow, McCoist must have been sick when they were only 70p at float. And the price for his integrity is ironically going down all the time because he is inept at the job he was gifted without experience or qualifications.


Still, he will be a hero again when, now that there is little value in them, he hands them over to a fans group and says he only ever did it for them. And the 3 wise monkeys will hail McCoist and put him back on his pedestal.

Edited by Dragonfly Trumpeter
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ok, we'll take it from your refusal to answer that you would have done exactly what McCoist did - as would everyone else who is criticising him for doing so.

Of course, anyone who wants can stand up before us all and say that they wouldn't have.


If your only defence of McCoist is that all his critics would have done the same - then I pity you.

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