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Ally might be subject to a confidentiality clause for all we know.

If so, if he can be proved to have broken it, the Court case and fine could break him.


NDA's are absolutely necessary.

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Nda's are usually part of a pay off. What if he says no to a payoff and nda.


It doesn't necessarily suggest pay-offs. An NDA can be an integral part of your contract, so the manager's possibly in a very awkward legal situation.

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Again, lots of half-info, assumption, conjecture, and accusation involved. The media loves it, essentially three summers of Ibrox chaos on the trott. Most arguments have been done to death by now and what one essentially only can do is wait and see - though some of our revolutionaries will no doubt disagree. I for one doubt that much will change anytime soon, no matter what sort of hysteria e.g. the DR tries to whip up.

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I'm afraid the luxury of blaming it all on the media/worrying about how it will look in the media is past, dB. While the onlookers - those who aren't bored stiff already - will love it, there's no way to avoid it.

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I'm afraid the luxury of blaming it all on the media/worrying about how it will look in the media is past, dB. While the onlookers - those who aren't bored stiff already - will love it, there's no way to avoid it.



It's not about the means of getting there.

The end result is the all important thing.

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I'm afraid the luxury of blaming it all on the media/worrying about how it will look in the media is past, dB. While the onlookers - those who aren't bored stiff already - will love it, there's no way to avoid it.


Well, I think I chose my words more wisely than blaming "it all" on the media. The latter just milks it to the core ... and by doing that (e.g. DR today) distort proportions.

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Fair enough, but it still doesn't matter. 'How it looks' is a distant second to 'get it fixed', after all.


They point remains that the "get it fixed" brigade apparently shows no interest in telling us a) how to do it better and b) whether they actually have a plan how to. A bit (sic!) reminiscent of what happened in the Ukraine. Get Janukovic out was the cry on the Maidan (sp?). Once he left, the "opposition" was left with a situation it could not handle at all. As long as our "opposition"fails to shows that they actually can do better and preferably how, I remain sceptical about their future with us. (Which is not to say that I like what goes on a board level or, to make that also clear, what happened under Janukovic.

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