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I think a huge red flag would be waved all around if they gave to that company, owned by a convicted tax evader, some sort of control over assets that are integral to the normal club operations. It would not surprise me in any way to see King eventually sue the club for some unknown reason if his company (not trust) was ever granted any sort of security on those assets.


tax avoider and they gave security to a convicted vat fraudster. ps without asking shareholders so why would they do that now.

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No they won't for a number of reasons:


1. the vehicle set up by King (wholly owned and controlled by one person living overseas) doesn't lend itself to a company giving its biggest assets as security.

2. A majority of the shareholders won't agree to it

3. Many of the fans don't want it.

4. As a plc,, they probably can't for legal reasons.

5. the directors don't want to as a point of principle, particularly given the attacks on the Easdales, Wallace etc.


etc etc.


You may think that they will but I'm fairly sure that they won't.


I broadly agree with that, but I wonder what the board reaction will be if renewals are well down and the King company attracts a number that is hard to ignore.


We can only speculate about the figures for now, but while I don't think we'll see security being handed over, I wonder if a point will be reached where a compromise of sorts will be thrashed out.

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im pretty sure if we get 40 thousand people signed up the will. after that it's only a matter of finding the tipping point and getting there.



Put down the pipe and step away from the needle. At most, this company will only find 10-15K other malcontents (pawns) to join this scheme.

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no question about this there is a tipping point.


i would say there is no way the uof will reach it this year. but if things continue do not bet against it. if ibrox is still there to be secured.


If it attracts 10,000, it will have made a point. If it can get to 15,000, it can no longer be dismissed as a troublesome minority. If it gets more than 15,000, it will be a very credible entity.

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Put down the pipe and step away from the needle. At most, this company will only find 10-15K other malcontents (pawns) to join this scheme.


15k will be way beyond the tipping point. me i think 2k is more likely for now. though i do thing non renewals will be 20k plus

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If it attracts 10,000, it will have made a point. If it can get to 15,000, it can no longer be dismissed as a troublesome minority. If it gets more than 15,000, it will be a very credible entity.



that seems reasonable to me.

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