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there has been rape and mismanagement in equal measure.


greens 900k, introduction fees to whytes pals, return of capital to initial investors from the ipo cash. then we have the more mundane purchase of edminson house so it can rot while costing us cash.


thats just a sample of whats gone on the actual list would be pages long.


Would you not agree rape is an extremely poor choice of word mate? This is a football club we are talking about here not a human being.

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Would you not agree rape is an extremely poor choice of word mate? This is a football club we are talking about here not a human being.





an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.


no its a fair choice.

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an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.


no its a fair choice.


Thanks mate but i am not convinced Frankie or Zappa will be best pleased with its use on here. I am certainly slightly uncomfortable with its use.

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Is there any proof of what either man had put into their own bank accounts from the Rangers one? I can't imagine there is tbh. It's all guesswork there.


green earned 900k and got 5 million penny shares that we know of for sure.


ive heard estimates of 20 million for whyte.

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Open your eyes. For over 2 years money has drifted out of our club and into the pockets of too many who were in it for their own personal benefit. You'll be happy with bonus and pay off culture that has engulfed our club in recent times, yes ?? Ahmed, Green, Cockbridge, Mather..........


And you're happy with the Borthers Grimm at the helm and holding proxies for unknown, disguised shareholders ?? What have they got to hide ??


My eyes are open and here is what I see.


Emotive language which doesnt help or articulate the debate in a helpful manner.


Example - "Brothers Grimm" . Am I happy persons with such a poor public profile is at my club ? No of course not.


But if we get get into a debate about the morality of the Easdales how does the suggested alternative King fare ? Pretty poorly - its a lose/lose situation.


Green ? - I was getting pelters for warning about this guy when others were still lauding him so expect no defence of him from me.


Our club is being run in an shambolic manner and the culture of excess which runs through it is an absolute disgrace - from boardroom to players to non-playing staff. I can think of no good reason why our fan ownership vehicles are not struggling to hold back the hordes.


I have no wish or desire to defend Easdale - but I will defend truth & facts - who was the only person to offer interest free terms on the loans recently ?

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I'm going to go with Alistair Murdoch McCoist MBE.....


The man with the clubs best interest at heart even in our darker hours, Rangers man and legend? That's who I would have thought too right enough, well into the millions with that one.

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