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But it's you that's talking about buying out and gaining control DK has never once stated that , all he has ever said is he wants to invest , we have a discredited board screaming out for money , I don't see what the problem is to be honest




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He isn't offering to hand over a cheque though he clearly wants at least some measure of control in return and wants to dictate the timing. The board have said there will be another share issue so should he not just bide his time rather than coming out with statement after statement?

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My condolences.


But to use my own medical analogy, I see this more like taking a seriously ill patient that needs treatment to survive out of hospital because previous doctors messed up treatment, despite a brand new set of doctors having been appointed since.


Basically it's far too simplistic to assume that this suffering equals a better future, what if more 'hedge funds' buy us out of this second admin, what's your next move? Personally I don't care if people make money as long as we're stable, and that 's what i'm counting on Wallace for. If we want a regime where people don't want to make money then those individuals will need to buy the incumbents out.


That's a fair comment, we only want the best possible outcome for the Patient.

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He isn't offering to hand over a cheque though he clearly wants at least some measure of control in return and wants to dictate the timing. The board have said there will be another share issue so should he not just bide his time rather than coming out with statement after statement?



That depends on what was said previously in private conversations , and will come down to who you believe , personally I don't believe this board , however neither do I believe this stupid ST scheme will work either, if GW is forced to sell the 43 million shares at his disposal , he will probably have to discount them , thereby making it even harder for DK to get a decent percentage stake .


King hasn't played this out very well IMHO , though I could be proved wrong




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The sooner people realise that was a lie the better.


You throw about the word "lie" rather liberally. It was mentioned in the 120-day review and untowards the stock market. Do you think Wallace and Co., for their 300k salary, will risk being outed as straight liars from any future job in the business?

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High horses must be going for a song these days, everyone's got one. Sad day when I am being out arroganted.


It's not meant like that at all, however when a second administration and being stuck in the lower leagues is being spun into a potential positive then i'm struggling.

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