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Ramsden Cup Final - Trouble Ahead?

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Join Date: 27-09-2006

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Default The day of the Ramsden Final.

A close family member who is friendly with a copper who covers virtually all our away games has let them know Hibs and Ra Seltit casuals have planned to join up in Edinburgh on the Sunday.


Good luck with that you shower of soap dodging animals. The best part of 20,000 bears cutting about might see you haven't wasted your unemployed afternoon.

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Rangers, much like us, is their motivation in life. Sadly their motivation is built on hatred which is consuming Scottish Football. Any of you know if English Football has issues similar to ourselves.

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National intelligence was one of the main driving forces behind the establishment of the FoCUS Unit.

It seems to be working.


You only have to look at Youtube to see that the constabulary are pretty good at filming the fights with their CCTVs but not so good at preventing or stopping them. Guess who will be the ones to get 'lifted' in 'dear Auld Reekie'. Not the ones hiding their emerald and grey tops- that's for sure! Edinburgh and Aberdeen police always treat us like we fell off the bottom of their shoes. Always have done - right back to the days when Colin Stein won the league at Easter Road.

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