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How to block smilies on the forum.

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It's come to our attention that some users might not want to see the forum's smiley face images in people's posts and since forum members can't currently switch that feature on and off in our individual user CP like we can for avatars and signatures, then some of you might find this workaround useful...


1. Install a capable ad-blocker such as Adblock Plus.


2. Right-click on a smiley face in any forum post and select "Adblock Plus: Block image..." (see screenshot below)




3. Define your blocking filter rule. As you can see in the screenshot below, in this case we're blocking images from "gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/images/smilies/*" which will be selected by default when you do this in Adblock Plus in Firefox. Just click the "Add filter" button and you're done.




Please note that this is just one method based on blocking images from the forum's smilies folder using Adblock Plus in Firefox, but the general concept will also be applicable in other browser software and ad blockers.


Please also note that this method will also block our Rangers player images used in match previews and other threads unless you go to the extreme lengths of creating a custom filter rule for each individual smiley face you wish to block and leave out the player pics.


So there you go. There's no longer any reason to moan about people using smiley faces.

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& I even deleted the moany post, as well!


It wasn't only for your benefit Andy. Other forum users might find the workaround useful too and it takes hardly any time at all to set up.

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