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Novo Death Threat - £250 fine, no banning order

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So he could go and buy a season ticket tomorrow then?


Aye!, and this article is hidden deep in the paper!,no back page or front page headline!,now if this was a Rangers fan............................

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They control the mhedia and scottish football authorities. They can more or less do as they please. As we return to the top that needs to change. I'm sure Mr Wallace is fully aware of this. isn't he?


What can he do? Scottish society as a whole has been polluted so much there is simply no going back.

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Why don't we propose that the RFFF buy a newspaper and put the club's point of view out there?


Newspapers are dying mate and within 5 to 10 years it will most likely be polluted with the same vhermin every other rhag is. There is no getting away from these people sadly.

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