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Well he sure didn't sell to Easdale like we were told he would. Not that I ever believed it.


For me, this is the big story amongst all these new King articles. King seems to be insinuating that Green is still a major player in this while the fans, shareholders and stock exchange have been assured that he isn't. King clearly seems to think otherwise though...


DK: The club needs my money not the shareholders. Charles Green doesn’t need the money.


I don’t want to hand over my money to buy a bankrupt club. Where does the money come to build the team?


Every single pound I put into this I want it spent on the team and on the facilities like Murray Park and Ibrox. Why on earth would I want to give any of that to Charles Green?

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Okay, just trying to get the reason behind this Green argument. I for one believe that King just threw him in for good measure. Green himself was essentially only a "major" minor shareholder. Most of the others are essentially the same, be that Ashley, Prior, Easdale, Blue Pitch, Artemis et al. Laxey shot to the front of the queue, but still only hold 12 %. Should it come to a grand decision, some of these parties have given proxy to Easdale or the like, at least up till now. So would someone explain to me how Green or some other "puppet master" draws the strings behind all these seperate investors and might drain any invested money from the club right now? If possible as objective and serious as it gets, since conjecture and assumption and "ain't that clear" does not help one single bit.

I'm not quite sure if you are ever being serious or just like trying to wind people up.


Are you talking about the same Green who ran the club and assembled the owners and board?

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They are spending 5 times what we are, and where has it got them this season??? Humiliated in Europe, and out of both domestic cups. Granted they have won the league which will give them a shot at the CL next season which will boost their coffers if nothing else.


We should concentrate on our own spend & our own team - for their wage budget, Ceptic are nothing special.


An spl title. 20 million from Europe. 40 season book holders. Income of 70 plus million.


That's what it has got them.


We don't have to spend that much but our last title winning side cost 18 million in wages and 6 in player purchases. We will need to quadruple our current spend probably.

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Maybe I'm being dazzled but King does seem to come across as pretty much the brightest spark in the assessment of Rangers predicament. As he pointed out, he was the one who said that administration and liquidation were inevitable and I'm sure he also predicted we'd be running out of money about now and needing a loan or further funding.


Whether he can deliver what he preaches is something else but he is definitely saying a lot compelling stuff. He hasn't given much details but when you're playing chess, you don't lay out your strategy until it's the right time.


It at least it feels like we may have some sort of secure future.

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Maybe I'm being dazzled but King does seem to come across as pretty much the brightest spark in the assessment of Rangers predicament. As he pointed out, he was the one who said that administration and liquidation were inevitable and I'm sure he also predicted we'd be running out of money about now and needing a loan or further funding.


Whether he can deliver what he preaches is something else but he is definitely saying a lot compelling stuff. He hasn't given much details but when you're playing chess, you don't lay out your strategy until it's the right time.


It at least it feels like we may have some sort of secure future.


He sounds like the first that can play them at their own game.

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Maybe I'm being dazzled but King does seem to come across as pretty much the brightest spark in the assessment of Rangers predicament. As he pointed out, he was the one who said that administration and liquidation were inevitable and I'm sure he also predicted we'd be running out of money about now and needing a loan or further funding.


Whether he can deliver what he preaches is something else but he is definitely saying a lot compelling stuff. He hasn't given much details but when you're playing chess, you don't lay out your strategy until it's the right time.


It at least it feels like we may have some sort of secure future.


He can if allowed certainly deliver the 30 million. Bit it's what you do with it. Green delivered 30 million of investment easily. But we have zero to show for it 18 months later or as near zero it doesn't matter. Few players and two pish easy titles.


Which is why change is needed not just investment.

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Some great sound-bites but no detail whatsoever.


Exactly how does King intend to secure the club's future? of course money will be needed (and lots of it) but it's the business model that needs most work. What's the point in huge wage-bills if you can't afford them down the line? How much of a gamble is it to spend upwards of £30million if the club isn't stable and self-sufficient at management/board level?


So many questions and despite all today's media coverage, still very few answers.

It's also worth adding that the tabloids have printed a lot of 'war chest' stories about us in the last 5-10 years and it's generally not true...

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An spl title. 20 million from Europe. 40 season book holders. Income of 70 plus million.


That's what it has got them.


We don't have to spend that much but our last title winning side cost 18 million in wages and 6 in player purchases. We will need to quadruple our current spend probably.

How many times in the last 10 years have we made £20m in a season from Europe? How many times in the last 10 or so years have we actually made the CL group stage?


Budgeting on European money we're unlikely to be getting for many years is the road to ruin.

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How many times in the last 10 years have we made £20m in a season from Europe? How many times in the last 10 or so years have we actually made the CL group stage?


Budgeting on European money we're unlikely to be getting for many years is the road to ruin.


It's a 40 million pound swing to Celtc everytime they win the league and qualify. Even if we never once qualified winning the league Denys them 20 million.


If we make it one in 2 which is about right the numbers are vast.


I'm not saying we bet on getting it. Celtc survived the years they didn't no problem. But it will be a long road back if we are spending 10 million a year on wages and them 30.

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