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People have a valid point about the most important position at the football club. It's crucial we get it right. Or rather King gets it right. Sticking with what we have is not an option. I hope he agrees.


That's really the ceo's job. But it's a distraction just now. We can not afford to turn away this level of investment. Unless Wallace somehow has a better plan. We will see on that.

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It's all very well making this about the Ally but without this level of investment we won't attract a new manager of any quality. Nor do we just need players. We have a loan to repay we have edminson house to do up. We need scouts. Youths. Etc.


Even today we are filling up our u 20 squad with dross just to make up numbers while Celtc are cherry picking talent for theirs.


My last season books cost 500 quid ish. I got to watch mcgregor weir Jela Davis naisy etc. Before that gazza gough Laudrup. People won't keep paying 500 to watch black law Daly etc.


If this board chase dave king away again he may stop coming back eventually. We may need to act here and forcibly.


I don't agree with u20 comment, it appears we are doing ok at youth level at the moment.


I agree with everything else though.

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On this its pretty clear to me that Wallace plan will be to get rid of as many players as is practical and use our u20 players next year in the league. If it is its a plan that has its merits but it's not going to get us back on top in the spl.


Nor is it going to make us financially sustainable. Tbh.


We will see.

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Surely if he's planning on investing a lot on the pitch, first he will get a manager that knows what they are doing?


PS - While King's investment sounds fine and dandy, remember what got us into this mess in the first place. A spend, spend, spend culture with few profits being made, paying over the odds and often identifying the wrong players.


Whilst we will need investment to challenge Celtic again, you have to walk before you can run and we also need a sustainable business plan that will see us not reliant on Champions League money just to break even. Our money should be getting focused on improving our infrastructure so that we are well run and self sufficient.


We need to get a scouting network, management and coaching team that bring on decent, cheap young players and turn a good profit, to keep the cycle running.

Edited by Ser Barristan Selmy
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A top scout should be priority one. But really next season your at best going to get the likes of boyd and Hutton if your lucky. Maybe a bougherra. The manager and a top scout will become more important a bit later. We need a top to bottom clear out. Frankly g Wallace might be the only senior person at the club worth keeping in their job. Scouting. youths. finance. commercial. pr and management all need improving.

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This is good news and imo about time King gave a firm nod to what he is willing to do. In the last few years we've heard too many false promises from others.


As for the ally thing, King talks about £5m for next season. He doesn't mention after that. I wish some would calm the fuck down a bit with the Ally stuff. Takes over every bloody thread, yet we haven't had our accounts etc yet.

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We've been needing this clearout for over 10 years now. Half of FF including myself was lamenting the archaic infrastructure we have in the early 00's. If we wait another 10 I doubt anything will change. We need to be getting things sorted now. I don't see why Wallace is going to be caring about the long term, it's not like he'll be here long.


Also, we should have scouts all over Europe. Get rid of Daly and McCulloch and spend their wages on scouts.

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