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“Target: Some Rangers fans believe United chairman Stephen Thompson was instrumental in blocking plans to fast-track them back into the top flight”


(John Greechan - Scottish Daily Mail 20.3.2014)


I suppose if Mr Greechan's article had appeared in the “fiction section” of the local library, perhaps he could at least offer a plea in mitigation for the fable he passed off yesterday as fact. Its not particularly difficult to establish the true facts – all that is required is a search engine on a computer :






Fast -tracked ? Dont make us laugh Mr Greechan.


Then again as a support, we Rangers fans are getting used to our true feelings being misrepresented within the media.


That's not to say Dundee United chairman Stephen Thompson enjoys popular status amongst the Rangers support, but the reasons for this are not as alluded to in Mr Greechan's article. It's perhaps worthy of re-visiting those reasons, particularly in light of recent comments by Mr Thompson, and exposing the levels of hypocrisy he is engaging in.


In recent days Mr Thompson has accused the SFA of being “economical with the truth”, making statements which he classed as “awful” and “aggressive”.




Perhaps Mr Thompson would do well to remember his own comments and conduct.




“There's been a lack of remorse” Really Mr Thompson ? Really ?? I have spoken to hundreds of Rangers supporters online and in person these past few years and I am yet to meet one, one, who was not filled with remorse over the circumstances surrounding Craig Whyte's tenure at our club, the damage he caused and the hardship he caused for many many people. Who is being “economical with the truth” now Mr Thompson ?


"Taking things to a court of law hasn't helped. That's certainly hardened views of people within the game. “ Hold on Mr Thompson, the Court Of Session found in Rangers favour – so asking for justice and being awarded it is in your eyes likely to cause a hardening of attitude against the victim ? And you have the audacity to label others “aggressive “ ?


The truth is Stephen Thompson was happy to be at the forefront of the pack of wolves who savaged our club when it was down. I would imagine when Ally McCoist remarked at those swinging a kick at our club whilst it was down – many Rangers fans thought of Stephen Thompson. Much of the discussion surrounding the boycott of Tannadice certainly centred around this fact.


The emotive and inflammatory language utilised by Mr Thompson, as well as those involved with the Arab Trust, have certainly done their club no favours at all. It is up to both the SFA and Police Scotland to deal with such unedifying language.


The Rangers support will rise above all this nonsense and do what we do best – Support our team.


Dundee United and their support would do well to follow our example. Perhaps if they did so, they would be afforded some measure of credibility when they ask for a 50/50 split of tickets.

Edited by D'Artagnan
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Seeing as they are not able to sell half the tickets, does that mean they forfeit their share of the takings? That seemed to be their thinking last year for the Tannadice game... Their hypocrisy is the one consistent thing about them - and the media.

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There's a no-win situation ahead for us.

If we boycott clubs like Dundee Utd, we will be accused of attempting to destroy the Scottish game with our bigotry and arrogance.

If we try to build bridges, we will be marginalised and be continually kicked. No doubt accused of bigotry and arrogance.

I'll never ever be back at Tannadice.

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