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PLG - his obituary

Guest Thenorthlondonblue

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a pity he never received the sort of backing previous managers got..


after the first few games of the season people were raving about the quality of football we were playing it was just a lack of goals...


when you deal in the bottom end of the transfer market we will always be 2nd...3rd ..maybe even 4th best in this league


I wish him well in the future,he came he tried to change the Scottish mentality in the dressing room,he introduced a lot more young players to the team as well.


He gave it his best shot...we will never know if he would have been a success.

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ffs he had seven months?!


we're maybe a tiny bit worse than we were last season and people are ripping into him.


Ok some of his signings have been dodgy but fucking miles better than capucho, emerson , ostenstad?!


Given paltry financial support from the chairman... having been promised more - yet still people are saying he fucked up.


He came with high expectations - great reputation.


Fucked over by murray - not a lot of cash to spend.


Fucked over by the players - clear to see they're not interested in playing for him.


All this having <b>comfortably</b> achieved europe past xmas - eck didnt manage it.


Left leaving fans confused and asking millions of questions.


That should be his obituary.

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Turned his back on fans that gave him his backing.


its being said now that he asked Murray if he could leave in September


Also turned his back on the fans that ASKED him to LEAVE.........


Should edit this in that what I am saying is that many fans wanted him to go too and tried to push him out the door so it is unfair to say he turned his back on the fans...

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