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BuyRangers DD costs reduced

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BuyRangers Direct Debit now from £11.25 a month!


The Trust has reduced costs to make BuyRangers more efficient


All current contributors will have your DD automatically reduced



Following several months experience of operating the Direct Debit scheme, we are pleased to advise you that we are able to reduce the monthly contributions.


The administration costs per community share are lower than previously advised and we are now in a position to cover all such costs from receipts of membership subscriptions.


All direct debit receipts previously taken have been used exclusively for the purchase of shares and you will have seen our recent announcement increasing our Community shareholding by 200,000 shares.


The new monthly Direct Debit amounts (including annual membership) are now as follows:

1 Community Share: was £12.84 is now £11.25

2 Community Shares: was £23.25 is now £21.67

3 Community Shares: was £33.67 is now £32.08

4 Community Shares: was £44.09 is now £42.50


These revised Direct Debits amounts will be adjusted automatically for all contributions made after 1st March 2014.


We hope these reduced contributions will encourage even greater participation in the scheme and we will be ramping up our marketing efforts in the near future to attract new members.



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