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For PLG to say that no-one is bigger than the team is, coming from him, just a big fat lie.

The Barry Ferguson fiasco is just another example of le Guen's enormous ego.


Dropping Kris Boyd, Scotland's top goal scorer, for the good of the team -- WRONG !, playing Letizi when clearly unfit and incapable despite everyone's advice -- WRONG !, sacking Nando after a bit of high jinks -- WRONG ! and now dropping and sacking our captain and best player when we need to dig in for the second half of the season -- ABSOLUTELY WRONG !

None of these moves were for footballing reasons and they certainly weren't for the good of the team.


Ask yourself this,who else but an ego-maniac would run through the Sahara Desert if you didn't need to. Wait and see, he'll be rowing the Atlantic next.


PLG took on Rangers purely as a challenge, another Sahara if you like, and it's going tit's up big time.

He's desperately looking for a way out as he can't face failure and we are going down with him unless we boot him out now.

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I accept your post as its quite good and may prove to be true, however if Le Guen turns the ship and we start winning and playing good then we'll be praising him.


As for Nando - he needed booted out!!!

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He's certainly not made things easy for himself and I think one thing that hasn't endeared him to us is that he seems to be oblivious to the bloody obvious sometimes in the same way that McLeish was - i.e. the examples you've given.


The whole BF thing has been badly managed by the club as a whole and while I admire his will to speak in English the whole time, I don't think he's doing any favours with the way he comes across to the press.


As for the Sahara thing, I can't say anything as I want to do that race in a couple of years time!

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Guest Dundee Loyal

I've been a Rangers supporter all my life and Barry was brought up the same way.


"Bad results hurt him as much as those in the stands at Ibrox."


From the evening times.... quote from barrys dad.


Its time to rid our great club of this french twat guys. We have to realise that he will not be here next season. And now it looks like our best player will also be going...... Whos next burke,boyd??? we need a solid base of rangers men who will fight to the death for OUR club.

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I don't think Fergie's Dad will have a totally impartial opinion.


We are going on here as if Fergie leaving will be the death of Rangers.

It will just be the start of the new era. We have not broke that many trophy winning records with him in the team, maybe just maybe Rangers will survive the great one leaving.

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Don't know if i am out of order saying this, but going to say it anyway. Having read the post about Barry being stripped of the captaincy and all the other posts associated with it one thing that stands out is respect. That Paul Le Guen is manager of our club and as manager he should be respected.


To me, respect is something to be earned not something to be given just because you hold a certain position within an organisation. Im my personal opinion, due to Le Guens poor man management throughout the season ( the whole McGregor/Letizi goalkeeping No1 situation, Boyd/Sebo thing, Ricksen preseason, Phil Bardsley etc ) it's no surprise that there is unrest within the dressing room. He has changed tack so often with so many of our players that I would be amazed if all that many of them respect him fully.


We don't know the full extent of what has happened yet but perhaps some of the players conveyed their disappointment to Barry and he felt obliged, in his role as club captain, to convey this to the manager. Only conjecture at this stage but perhaps Le Guen was put out by this and hence the situation our club now finds itself in.





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