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19:22 4th February 2014


. . . manager leaves the Liberty



Swansea City and manager Michael Laudrup have tonight parted company.

Garry Monk will take up the reigns as head coach alongside current first team coach Alan Curtis for the foreseeable future.

“It is a decision we have taken reluctantly,’’ confirmed Swansea City chairman Huw Jenkins. “But it’s a decision made in the best interests of Swansea City Football Club and our supporters.

“It is the first time in nearly 10 years that the club has parted with a manager in this way, but we had to remove the constant uncertainty surrounding the club and Michael’s long-term future with us.

“I had a meeting with Michael today in a final attempt to support him and establish a way to improve the work of the backroom team to secure the results we need over the final 14 Premier League games.

“However, after thinking long and hard about the best way forward, I felt it was unlikely we would achieve a stable environment at the club to allow us to get back to basics and produce the performance levels that have served Swansea City so well over the last few years.

“Now we need to put that uncertainty behind us and move forward as a united football club on all fronts, while placing on record our gratitude to Michael for the work he has done over the last 18 months and wish him well for the future.’’

The Swansea chairman concluded: “I hope all our supporters can fully understand how difficult this period has been for us and I would urge everyone connected to the football club to get behind Garry Monk, the staff and players.’’

The club will be making no further comment at this stage, but will endeavour to keep our supporters updated with any future development.


Read more at http://www.swanseacity.net/news/article/ml-leaves-1340293.aspx#d9ePG40rqxbWHkFl.99

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Improves Swansea last season to a 10th place finish, wins them their first big trophy and a few months later he is sacked.


No doubt the Thursday night cup affected Swansea this season just likes its affected others in the past. Bring back the Cup winners cup and reduce the amount of games played in the Uefa cup plus switch it back to Wednesdays...but football is now all about lining fat cats pockets.


Laudrup will land a big job, they were linking him with Barca and Real last summer.

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Can't agree; performed near miracles at three unfashionable clubs: Getafe, Majorca and Swansea; WE could do a lot worse.


I disagree on Swansea. He came into Swansea with a strong team alrready. Martinex had built a philosophy at Swansea which Rodgers then continued. Laudrup walked into a well-oiled entity at Swansea. Martinez is under-rated for what he did at Swansea IMHO.


Wont disagree on the other two though.

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Don't know the circumstances and it doesn't really explain it, but reading between the lines, am I right in inferring that Laudrup wouldn't commit long or even medium term so they prefer to bring in someone who will?


Sounded like it although he had apparently signed a contract to 2015 it had a £5 million release clause.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
Added "although he had apparently signed a contract to 2015 it had a £5 million release clause"
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