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Nothing against either group but it would be tremendous if there were singing groups at each end of the ground who could try to outdo or respond to each other.


The most intimidating atmospheres I can recall were in Belgrade vs Red Star in 2007 and also in Tel Aviv earlier that year. The Malaga fans had a great chant and response going here on Saturday night vs Sevilla. Each side of the stadium trys to outdo the other and it just builds to a crescendo.

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Nothing against either group but it would be tremendous if there were singing groups at each end of the ground who could try to outdo or respond to each other.


The most intimidating atmospheres I can recall were in Belgrade vs Red Star in 2007 and also in Tel Aviv earlier that year. The Malaga fans had a great chant and response going here on Saturday night vs Sevilla. Each side of the stadium trys to outdo the other and it just builds to a crescendo.


Yes, both ends would be brilliant. I'd love the TBO behind the goals in the Copland Road end (I'm an oldie, that is the Rangers End to me (and, yes, the original main singing area will always be "The Derry" of days long gone, but that is irrecoverable) ) and the UB behind the Broomloan goals - trying to outdo each other all game long :)


Thanks anyway to both groups for all your signing. You may not hear it often expressed on-line, but your efforts are very much appreciated, especially on cold days/boring games.

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