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Good move from TBO.


Their seats in BF5 were probably better seats than the ones in BF1.


The atmosphere that BF1 have been creating is brilliant, but it won't surprise me if there's some clamping down on some of the actions and behavior for safety reasons. TBO could maybe be moving just in the nick of time...

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TBO at one side, UB at the other,and everyone else in between should help spread the singing a bit.


That sounds like a great plan! If the noise level of the Broomloan could be increased even further it would be amazing.


It's already brilliant as it is because even right in the middle of the Main Stand the non-stop noise and vibration from BF1 is unbelievable.

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[FC Twente sing carnival de paris which ends in la la la - la la la la - la la la la la la Twente.

The ultra's sing it first with all the drums and when they stop the opposite side of the ground start. When they stop the ultra's begin again They do this a few times after each other. It really is quite impressive.


This is carnival de paris. Although I am sure you knew.

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