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Lets face it if Dave King, Paul Murray etc said this there'd be few complaints, i've read countless stuff from our fans about how Whyte shouldn't be able to walk around Scotland without being harmed.

I sometimes wonder if I am in Imagination Land (South Park anyone?).


Some fans seem to have a bizarre view of things which just doesn't relate to reality. Nobody in any sort of responsibility in a high level corporate environment should be talking about physical violence. I'm frankly confused why I need to say this?


Yes all of us hate Whyte and would not be upset to see the man happen upon adverse consequences, but people in positions of responsbility in an institution like ours have to act with a degree of decorum.

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The more you read what comes out of Ibrox the more you think, do people actually pay money for PR like this?


However, I suppose it allows us a sneak at the priorities of those who, unfortunately, are sitting at the top of the marble staircase.


If the present lot were in office, and were issuing professional statements, going through the City and generally behaving as businessmen tend to, we could hazard a guess that they were interested in generating finance from that avenue. Since the present lot are issuing cretinous, supposed 'crowd-pleasing' guff - and I'll return to that in a mo - we can infer that their target audience is what they consider to be us thickos who pay for tickets. What would they like, museth Jack and toadies? Some low rent rabble rousing rubbish about chucking Whyte down the stairs.


Maybe I am alone but I wasn't even aware Whyte was back in town, let alone claiming he owned the club. Put me in a satin dress and call me Dolores del Rio but I think I would have noticed that walloper's return, even here in the quiet retirement village of Rangers boards that is Gersnet. Sounds like a straw man set up to allow some tough talk against someone who is of no threat. Some tough talk against some people who currently are on the scene, like the club's PR wallah, maybe that would be asking too much.


Which casts us fans in a depressing light. Can they really think we are all of the Order of the Nedwin, whose response to trouble is to get the fists up? Do the club really believe that of us, that we are the anti-social rabble that the post-Manchester press delighted in creating? Is it me that's out of whack, and we actually do have a subba-culcha of supporters who like this sort of shite and will back it with solid currency?


Surely to God, after all the bullshite Charles served up, no-one is of an appetite to swallow more.


The likes of McMurdo can dress this drivel up as standing up for Rangers all he likes, berating people who find such uneducated and uncultured behaviour horrifying in someone wearing the club tie. I've always said that when we put the blue scarf on, we are ambassadors for the club and must behave accordingly. However, the thought of Easdale representing me at some official function is quite horrendous; I would quite frankly not be represented. It's no surprise that this came out on a Friday, when I have no doubt the people behind it feel fans will be more 'receptive' (= pished, coz that's what scummy Huns do on a Friday night) to such a message. Breathtaking in it's contempt, all the more heartbreaking as, no doubt, some will buy it without even realising they are being hideously patronised and misrepresented.


And where will all this garbage gets us? Should we return to the top flight, which under these amateur public figures and professional embarrassments is by no means certain (as well as Ally's dodgy coaching) who seriously imagines anything we want to get done being remotely considered by any kind of SPFL board? And what's unbelievable, coming from a life long Bluenose, is that I couldn't blame them one bit. Complete ostracism awaits, and no wonder.


Every message we send out shrieks incompetence. Maybe, when people are blogging about defending the club from fantasy Irish republicans who are, apparently, stalking the streets of Scotland even as I type, they may care to take a second and consider where such a stupid, classless, infantile way of communicating leaves us. Ever more disunited, ever more isolated. Hoorah!

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I sometimes wonder if I am in Imagination Land (South Park anyone?).


Some fans seem to have a bizarre view of things which just doesn't relate to reality. Nobody in any sort of responsibility in a high level corporate environment should be talking about physical violence. I'm frankly confused why I need to say this?


Yes all of us hate Whyte and would not be upset to see the man happen upon adverse consequences, but people in positions of responsbility in an institution like ours have to act with a degree of decorum.


Well said, that man. If I'd seen that while I was typing yon essay I wouldn't have bothered.

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Craig Whyte certainly isn't one of the first 101 topics I'd like to hear Mr Easdale's opinion on.


Exactly and that's why this PR stunt is not only 'crass' as Frankie put it, but extremely ill-advised.


RIFC plc shareholders who hand over their proxies to men who make comments (tongue-in-cheek or not) about throwing people down staircases, should maybe think about giving their proxy vote to someone slightly more respectable and credible or even better, just vote themselves.

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Exactly and that's why this PR stunt is not only 'crass' as Frankie put it, but extremely ill-advised.


RIFC plc shareholders who hand over their proxies to men who make comments (tongue-in-cheek or not) about throwing people down staircases, should maybe think about giving their proxy vote to someone slightly more respectable and credible or even better, just vote themselves.


My first reaction was to wonder what else is going on that they are trying to deflect attention from? Couldn't think of any other reason for releasing anything so pointless.

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My first reaction was to wonder what else is going on that they are trying to deflect attention from? Couldn't think of any other reason for releasing anything so pointless.


Best case scenario might be something along the lines of this is the start of the 'Easdales are super smashing guys' pre renewal campaign.


Worst case scenario might be something along the lines of we're in big trouble again.

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Best case scenario might be something along the lines of this is the start of the 'Easdales are super smashing guys' pre renewal campaign.


Worst case scenario might be something along the lines of we're in big trouble again.


Lol, that best case scenario is a tougher 120 day plan to pull off than Mr Wallace's, that's for sure.

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