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Rangers tax case uncovered

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in summary: the usual waste of bandwidth


Bandwidth doesn't cost.. Neither does manners.

The piece is about a certain gentleman , senior lecturer at Strathclyde uni, using fake twitter alias's to post sectarian bile about us.

He is hinting about him being clever, and the posts in linked would indicate he also trying to implicate him for the RTC blog.

There is a wee hidden gem in there for me, but I'll let others make there minds up

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I remember this from before - a couple of years or so ago, I also followed it up via linked in, google and social media searches. There was a bit of a flurry re this at the time but - as ever - nothing came of it.

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Just seems like an unsubstantiated claim that person A (however ugly) is also person B.


Not sure what it brings to the party but I'll admit to not knowing the movers and shakers in and around the RTC site.

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I cannot, for the life of me, work out why internal HMRC investigations haven't uncovered who has been leaking the information from within HMRC i.e. the guy we really want the net to fall on. People are being instantly sacked at a lower level all over HMRC these days for accessing unauthorised records e.g. family members etc (really that strict these days!). Audit trails against records accessed are very thorough now - you cannot access any record in HMRC without logging in to it with your own unique ID (regardless of your seniority level within HMRC).

When you get to the level of confidentiality that our records would be held under, there must only have been a very limited number of people who could access it, and the environment in which they would be held would be ring-fenced (secure network connectivity limited to certain staff). The audit trails to this data would be highly auditable\traceable.

I honestly don't get it.

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