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Fergie stripped of captaincy

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I think Le Guen meant to say more than I just dont get on with you. If not then its a poor decision but from the other piece off the offical site its clear he isnt happy with fergusons attitude. So Billy Dodds might be taking a wee side here.


Also doesnt anyone think this has been coming but Le Guen has purposedly waited until the Jan window is open!!!

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I think Le Guen meant to say more than I just dont get on with you. If not then its a poor decision but from the other piece off the offical site its clear he isnt happy with fergusons attitude. So Billy Dodds might be taking a wee side here.


Also doesnt anyone think this has been coming but Le Guen has purposedly waited until the Jan window is open!!!


It was quite obvious that the 2 didn't see eye to eye - the whole "captain isn't important" debacle where they disagreed was almost proof in point - PLG says he spoke to Ferguson about it, Ferguson said he didn't - someone was lying - and it may have been the catalyst for what we have now seen.

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First of all a manager has to have the respect of the players. If he feels one player is turning other players against him then he only has one choice really.

Personally i feel Barry has played his last game for us and will be sold as Murray will back le Guen.

It then depends on who comes in and how the team play whether the fans get behind le Guen or not and how quickly Barry's exit is accepted.


If we are forbidden to speculate on PLG's blame or not in this issue, would please refrain from making up stories of BF.


PLG has said nothing to help ur understnading of the situation so to I dunno where this barry turning players agaist him idea has come from.


I don't mean this as an attack on you, just find it odd that speculation of Barry does not come under the same attacks as speculation regarding PLG does on here.

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If we are forbidden to speculate on PLG's blame or not in this issue, would please refrain from making up stories of BF.


PLG has said nothing to help ur understnading of the situation so to I dunno where this barry turning players agaist him idea has come from.


I don't mean this as an attack on you, just find it odd that speculation of Barry does not come under the same attacks as speculation regarding PLG does on here.


So what you are saying then is that we also shouldn't be taking sides in this yet as we are still speculating ?


At this point we should all have an open mind about what is going on - but surely we shouldn't already be pro, or anti, either person ?

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So what you are saying then is that we also shouldn't be taking sides in this yet as we are still speculating ?


At this point we should all have an open mind about what is going on - but surely we shouldn't already be pro, or anti, either person ?


Actually I don't see why you can't have an opinion now, as long as your open to change. Don't see why people are so against it. We'll probably never get the full story so as with anything in life we begin to form opinons on what we do know, however little that is. As I say as long as your open to new ides this is fine.


But if we're having moderators and senior posters saying people can't pick one side, I'm disappointed by their lack of response to people who are taking the opposing view.

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Actually I don't see why you can't have an opinion now, as long as your open to change. Don't see why people are so against it. We'll probably never get the full story so as with anything in life we begin to form opinons on what we do know, however little that is. As I say as long as your open to new ides this is fine.


But if we're having moderators and senior posters saying people can't pick one side, I'm disappointed by their lack of response to people who are taking the opposing view.


Fair enough Ally - but on what do we base our grounds of opinion ? On the miniscule piece of non-descript information we have received ? For me that isn't enough to form an opinion as to who is right or wrong (if anyone).


Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as respectful which most are being.

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I think Le Guen meant to say more than I just dont get on with you. If not then its a poor decision but from the other piece off the offical site its clear he isnt happy with fergusons attitude. So Billy Dodds might be taking a wee side here.


Also doesnt anyone think this has been coming but Le Guen has purposedly waited until the Jan window is open!!!


The thing that gets me is..Dodds and Burley were never going to take PLGs version of events..old pals act etc..


then you had Setanta showing 3 guys saying Barry must stay...but not one saying the manager is right??


Stitch up in my eyes...


Ta ta Fergie...if only you had knuckled down and acted like a pro

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Fair enough Ally - but on what do we base our grounds of opinion ? On the miniscule piece of non-descript information we have received ? For me that isn't enough to form an opinion as to who is right or wrong (if anyone).


Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as respectful which most are being.


Because PLG didn't take the opportunity to straighten out what happened.


EIther he chose no to.




It is merely a personality clash.


Either way its an error (the second being a greater error).


So it's another mistake to add to the catalogue that he has made with the Gers.

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From what has been said I'm now assuming that even yesterday, Fergie's future at Ibrox was in his own hands. It sounds like he could have taken the news like a man and promised to knuckle down & tow the line, but instead spat the dummy out and then to make things worse, phoned the press to tell them all about it.

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