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Fergie stripped of captaincy

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here we go :mad:




plg must go!!!

fergie must go!!!


chill..... once whe here the story we can judge



id be 100% behind leguen if it is fergie causing the probles but think about the team are they gonna back plg or bf ??



id be 100% behind fergie if plg was the problem


need time to find out what the story is




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I agree with the guys saying Le Guen has to go. He axes our captain and most influential player and has totally lost the fans now.


Don't understand Rae as the captain. This means we'll have to tolerate this no mark every week.


I'm totally livid with this and I can't wait to see the back of Le Guen now

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dont you think we are

due an explanation even before it hit the streets


Unfortunately not - the fans are no more, technically, than paying customers - we have no greater right to the information than the press have.

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Unfortunately not - the fans are no more, technically, than paying customers - we have no greater right to the information than the press have.




so true craig we are not the fans to murray we are the customers!!


forget the plg/bf must go ... MURRAY MUST GO (:thup::flipa: )





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There is obviously going to be 2 sides to the story like there is to every story

So sorry Ferge has been our best player by far and if Ferge goes Le Guen goes. I have gave Le Guen time but sorry this is him giving a death wish


And for the captiancy going to Rae it is beacuse he is a scottish player but why not give it to Adam or McGregor

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There is obviously going to be 2 sides to the story like there is to every story

So sorry Ferge has been our best player by far and if Ferge goes Le Guen goes. I have gave Le Guen time but sorry this is him giving a death wish


And for the captiancy going to Rae it is beacuse he is a scottish player but why not give it to Adam or McGregor




rae is our vice captain that is why he is now the captain ..... dado is the captain for me!

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