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Dave King urges Rangers to invite PM onto board

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I don't know the letter you refer to but I certainly agree with your last two paragraphs.


I think we all do or have, but as year after year passes and we consistently prove ourselves incapable of doing so, people lose hope that it will ever happen.


I remember - must be over ten years ago now - fans opening my eyes to the danger of MINT's regime in particular and pointing out the dangers of a "sugar daddy" in general. At least King would be a Rangers' supporting sugar daddy is what people seem to be saying, people who've seen years of talk about fans taking control of their own destiny only to face in-fighting of a frankly stomach-churning nature.

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Steve, we saw D'Artagnan's begging letter to Dave King recently. The Rangers support drones on about 'dignity' more than any other group of people in society and then puts the hat round in expectation of some kind of handout. This isn't dignified - it's the very opposite.


We should be putting the message out that we have moved on from this. We should be above the petty squabbling that some indulge in so readily.


We should be constructive in our efforts instead of vindictive.


It's not so much King's money that we need. It's more the fact that he's not in it to line his own pockets. It could be King, or someone similar. We need to be self-sustainable in the long run. This current shambles can only end one way. Too many in it for the quick buck, then on to the next.


The secrecy, and handing over of proxies to people connected to the original purchase, doesn't instil confidence. It's this that someone like King would restore.

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Steve, to go from where we are to where we see should be - a fan-owned club - a certain amount of turmoil is inevitable, but when it comes, the answer is not to revert back to the obscenity of the one-man operation of the past - it's to make the case for fan ownership until the penny drops that this, and only this, will afford the club the protection it must have if it is to have a viable future.


The argument is winning when so much of the argument against it is petty, vindictive, personal and abusive.


Stay the course. We will get there.

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Dave King always seems to be lurking, and it's not healthy as a sizeable element in the support is hoping that he'll buy or invest in Rangers and make the club's problems go away - at least for a while.


It's sad day when the extent of our ability to solve problems is to wish for a saviour - to believe that one man can sort out the mess that has engulfed us. I'd rather King found another project to pass his time. It's up to us to find a proper and lasting solution - not the quick and rather dubious fix of handouts from a rich man's wallet.


Any fans who think or wish King would buy Rangers has obviously never listened to a word the guy has said. He's not interested in buying the Club.


Explain 'dubious'. I don't get that bit.

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Steve, to go from where we are to where we see should be - a fan-owned club - a certain amount of turmoil is inevitable, but when it comes, the answer is not to revert back to the obscenity of the one-man operation of the past - it's to make the case for fan ownership until the penny drops that this, and only this, will afford the club the protection it must have if it is to have a viable future.


The argument is winning when so much of the argument against it is petty, vindictive, personal and abusive.


Stay the course. We will get there.



Hey, I'm in my mid-Fifties, I can only stay the course for another 30 years or so - do you think that we'll have managed by then? More seriously - obviously I hope that you are right.

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I could weep about the amount of posts that appear on sites when King is mentioned with "sugar daddy", "one man show", "one man owning the Club". It shows a complete ignorance of the man's intentions which he has stated quite clearly - often!!


He doesn't want to own or buy the Club - no interest - full stop!!

He wants to invest in the Club but only when the board can prove that the required levels of fiscal governance are in place - not before - full stop!

He is not a cowboy - He wants nothing out of the Club for his investment.

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Anchorman, I said buy - or invest. We don't expect him to buy but many would like him to.


One person owning a major sporting institution like Rangers is as dubious as it can get.


He has no interest in buying or owning the Club !!! He is not dubious!!!

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