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Dave King urges Rangers to invite PM onto board

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He's beginning to sound a bit desperate to my ears.

I know he should have the savvy to negotiate with anyone, but he's been done before when it comes to Rangers.


Desperate? If you mean desperate to see Rangers run by the right people - yes. Desperate to get a board he can trust with his investment - yes.


If you mean desperate to get on board with either of the two current sides - no. He has already said no to each of them. He just wants the fighting to end.


You can have all the savvy in the world, but sometimes it's not enough to negotiate peace if the sides don't want peace. Chamberlain was supposedly the best negotiator this island had when he went to Godesberg to 'tie up some loose ends' with Hitler!

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Desperate? If you mean desperate to see Rangers run by the right people - yes. Desperate to get a board he can trust with his investment - yes.


If you mean desperate to get on board with either of the two current sides - no. He has already said no to each of them. He just wants the fighting to end.


You can have all the savvy in the world, but sometimes it's not enough to negotiate peace if the sides don't want peace. Chamberlain was supposedly the best negotiator this island had when he went to Godesberg to 'tie up some loose ends' with Hitler!


Hope you're right mate, but that's not how I read it.


"Insisting he is quite prepared to kickstart talks with the Greenock bus tycoons - or Murray - over a cash injection, King added: ‘I really don’t care who it is I have to talk to. I have had no indication the Easdales would not work with me. The conversations I had were encouraging enough.


‘In their position, there was a lot of uncertainty, but I regarded the discussions as constructive and something that could be continued. Ultimately, that is a decision they will have to make depending on how they see things after the AGM.


‘But I have indicated that I am available for further discussions once the dust has settled and at least I will know who I am talking to.

‘Whoever is in control is going to be in control. I am willing to deal with whoever is there."

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