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I wasn't having a go at your post, pal - it is just that the opening sentence was "I can confirm you're full of shit." which came almost straight after Frankie's post (324) ticking me off for replying to crucible (in a somewhat less direct manner) and Frankie asking for an end to personal stuff. It was just a funny juxtaposition - I tried to make it clear I was talking at a side issue to your main point which was, of course, a serious one.

Ah! No worries. Suppose it's a clear example of our different approaches and perceptions of what is and should be happening.

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I don't think they actually influence posters into changing their minds anyway.


As far as I can see they just start arguments among fans.


If anything, he/she pushed me further towards the opposite side of his argument. It's such a transparent attempt at manipulation and spin that it immediately sets alarm bells ringing.


I think he's managed to sway a few of the more easily led folk on RM with his bawsburst account though. (I'd guess that's the same person - same style of posting anyway.)

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Ah! No worries. Suppose it's a clear example of our different approaches and perceptions of what is and should be happening.


Possibly though how anyone can perceive what is happening as anything other than a disgrace and what should be happening as crystal clear is baffling. Spivs and gangsters in suits out. Rangers men who support transparency and fan representation in. A return to a club to be proud of, fans interested only in supporting and defending the club and not attacking each other. It's not as though we didn't have enemies inside and outside Ibrox already. We've a lot to do before we can even think abut the football side again, and then we've a lot to do there.


This should have been a period away from you know who where we could build from the grassroots up, encourage youth, a club style, plan for the future and return to the top refreshed and renewed. Instead.....................

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I have always been a firm believer in supporter ownership. But there is a sad reality which has become apparent over the past couple of years. First, the support clearly has neither the ability nor the appetite to make the financial effort to own the club. Second, the supporter's organisations with, perhaps, the exception of SoS, have been remarkably passive. And third, high profile supporters such as Paul Murray have either been inept or have lacked the killer instinct of the 'spivs'.


So, as usual, we are left looking/hoping for a saviour to coming riding in on his white charger. Many, I should imagine, hope that this person is Dave King. In the meantime, I should imagine, the nastiness, infighting and bickering amongst supporters will continue. A rather futile exercise akin to pissing into the wind.


For my part, I will keep doing the lottery in the hope that, one day, I can buy that white charger.

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I have always been a firm believer in supporter ownership. But there is a sad reality which has become apparent over the past couple of years. First, the support clearly has neither the ability nor the appetite to make the financial effort to own the club. Second, the supporter's organisations with, perhaps, the exception of SoS, have been remarkably passive. And third, high profile supporters such as Paul Murray have either been inept or have lacked the killer instinct of the 'spivs'.


So, as usual, we are left looking/hoping for a saviour to coming riding in on his white charger. Many, I should imagine, hope that this person is Dave King. In the meantime, I should imagine, the nastiness, infighting and bickering amongst supporters will continue. A rather futile exercise akin to pissing into the wind.


For my part, I will keep doing the lottery in the hope that, one day, I can buy that white charger.


Yeah my thoughts as well, you usually end up with what you deserve.


Looking back at Rangers history, most good things happen when there is a leader who makes the decisions, not a Board who can't agree what day it is.


That's probably true with life in general to be fair.


[No I'm not looking for a philosophical discussion. :)

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Possibly though how anyone can perceive what is happening as anything other than a disgrace and what should be happening as crystal clear is baffling. Spivs and gangsters in suits out. Rangers men who support transparency and fan representation in. A return to a club to be proud of, fans interested only in supporting and defending the club and not attacking each other. It's not as though we didn't have enemies inside and outside Ibrox already. We've a lot to do before we can even think abut the football side again, and then we've a lot to do there.


This should have been a period away from you know who where we could build from the grassroots up, encourage youth, a club style, plan for the future and return to the top refreshed and renewed. Instead.....................

Spot on bud.


I'm not sure if all football supporters are the same but Gers fans are easily taken in once they've had some attention from club execs. After which they become little poodles for the spin merchants and act as agents for a divisive campaign. I do think most are catching on but those who are still under the spell don't realise the hassle they're causing.


The online support will never have a united front. If we eventually get credible men on board and start dominating the game again we will have a period of peace, but only temporarily.

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it actually says much about the power of modern social media that people are employed to take the spin out into such arenas.


fortunately the internet is a generally savy place and little difference is made by such paid lobbying.


when it comes down to a choice between 4 million in ipo costs unaccounted for and comical ali style posting almost everyone knows the score.

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