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Father and Son banned from Rangers matches in UK

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By all means punish the delightful pair but why create the link to Rangers? Does the club teach them the songs?, Does it display the lyrics with a bouncing ball on the big screen at Ibrox?


By this logic, every bus on the way to Parkhead and Ibrox on a matchday will be diverted straight to Pitt St for processing.

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It was football fans who originally drove the need to introduce legislation by writing multiple letters of complaints over a prolonged period. The Police and the powers that be were all too happy to go along with it.

So - like it or not, this type of occurrence is here to stay. Pandora's box.

The legislation is supposed to be re-examined to determine if it's working.


Correction the legislation will be cross-examined to determine whether it's in any way anti-Celtic and anti-Irish in it's execution.

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Yes, there's nothing quite like taking your family on a train of a Saturday (they give free travel to kids at the weekend on Scotrail) and have some people in the next seats belting out football songs.


It really makes the journey complete, I feel.


Great sarcasm Andy, but in all seriousness what do people actually expect if they take their family on a train journey on a Saturday when almost every main train route in the UK, Europe and beyond has football fans on the way to their team's match or on the way home from it?


If anyone feels strongly about not wanting their kids subjected to big bad football fans and their naughty chants or songs on a Saturday, the smart move might be to not travel by train on a Saturday.


Furthermore, parents who object to football songs on a train because of the presence of children should thank their lucky stars that they don't live in one of the many countries where there's crackpots running up and down trains with machetes every other Saturday.

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