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I can't speak for Calgacus but it's certainly what keeps me at Rangers. The loyalist stuff drives me away frankly.


Why change now is an interesting question. Times change Barca, people grow older, wiser, more rounded. Things that matter when you're young no longer matter 20 years later. Things that made you angry once now make you shrug your shoulders. Things that you barely thought about once now you care for passionately, life doesn't stand still, everything changes, evolves and wishing it wasn't so will simply make you bitter and unhappy.


The loyalist songs will go, I've no doubts about that. They'll either go because we as a support will choose to drop them, either because we recognise how ridiculous they are or because the club asks us too. If we don't then I believe society will force us too, legislation and the police will enforce it. There is no appetite for it now in most of Scotland. Where once it was tacitly tolerated it is now openly disparaged by most 'Protestants' here, society has little tolerance for religiously motivated politics, that's not going to change in the foreseeable future either. Support for 'orangism' is declining every year, it's an anachronism now.


So to answer your 'why change now' question as simply as I can, because that's the way the the society we live in is going, and those who don't evolve to change die out.



You're right of course, I guess I have to accept your precept. I have seen many things in my lifetime change, which in the beginning were completely beyond conception. The world truly is becoming a global village.

The concern for Rangers is that without that central Protestant core, what is there for a global support to latch on to. We can never compete with the EPL from a financial standpoint, over here that is by far the biggest market followed by the various European leagues. We are only a suffix to them from a programming standpoint.

Rangers and Celtic have played on the religious divide to make the "old firm" derby into a worlwide phenomenon. If you take that religious element out of it, it is just another local derby. By the standard we seen from the Scottish champions last night, it is not very high. Where will the passion come from?

This new board have a challenge on their hands to generate the revenue required to keep us in the top level.

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What's wrong with what I posted?


You are not posting anything wrong. You are following your credo as you know it, and it has been at Ibrox for a long time. There are some posters who are facetiously trying to put you down. Ask them to whom the following definition applies, you or them -


World English Dictionary

bigot (ˈbɪɡət)


— n

a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race


[C16: from Old French: name applied contemptuously to the Normans by the French, of obscure origin]




— adj

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You are not posting anything wrong. You are following your credo as you know it, and it has been at Ibrox for a long time. There are some posters who are facetiously trying to put you down. Ask them to whom the following definition applies, you or them -


World English Dictionary

bigot (ˈbɪɡət)


— n

a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race


[C16: from Old French: name applied contemptuously to the Normans by the French, of obscure origin]




— adj


Sense at last :D

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That's what drew you to and keeps you at the Rangers' matches? You knew the 90-min entertainment package went with the football when you started supporting Rangers, why change it now?


Rangers are my team, that's why I watch them. The songs are just background noise. As it happens, I prefer traditional Rangers songs, like The Blue Sea of Ibrox. These so called loyalist songs are a fairly recent innovation - a product of the troubles in Northern Ireland.

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That's fair-do's. You will, I hope, accept that to some fans the Loyalist songs are as preferential to them as the traditional Rangers' songs are to you. We are indeed a broad church and as such can accomodate a wide variety for all.

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Do you attend matches?


Yes, I attend matches., thanks for asking. I share a season ticket with two other family members. How about yourself? Just weekends I'd imagine. it'll be tough getting to games on a school night.


Now, back to the CD that you "know" Rangers released with loyalist songs "a while back"- any further develoments on that? A name? Catalogue number? Even the label would do. Christ, I'd be happy if you could pin it down to a decade.

You can google if it helps. Run a check on Spotify, see if they've got anything.

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