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  andy steel said:
I've no problem with the world taking no notice of Rangers. My problem is with someone taking no notice of Rangers and then getting a job there. We don't have the luxury of allowing people to bed themselves in gently, I'm afraid! It's 'in at the deep end', and if you need a month to learn to swim you are, bluntly, of little use.


I want the world to know us for our football as in days of old and I do have a problem with deadly snakes covering themselves with leafs.

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  andy steel said:
I've no problem with the world taking no notice of Rangers. My problem is with someone taking no notice of Rangers and then getting a job there. We don't have the luxury of allowing people to bed themselves in gently, I'm afraid! It's 'in at the deep end', and if you need a month to learn to swim you are, bluntly, of little use.


Fair enough. Now, just for the sake of it (a lot of rhethorical questions: ), if you had been Somers/Wallace and had your morning (and I give you the afternoon too) checking up on all things Rangers, what would you have done to consolidate the place, keep the institutional investors happy, the club running and the supporters happy too? Do you think that the much-hoped-for sacking of Stockbridge would send out good signals to those that matter (when it comes to finances) right now? Do you think it would be beneficial to the club to give him a pay package to leave, a package that he might well be entitled too? Do you think you could shed any of the so-called SPIVS, Media House, or faceless investors anytime soon ... without the club (as in: we) paying for it?


I would assume you could. IF you were a Dave King character and snatched up 51% or the like of the shares.


Alas, for all the gnashing of teeth and the supporters organisation threatening to withdraw their support, those who matter on the 20th are those with most shares. We can tear into one another about this chap or another ... and I actually feared that this is exactly what happened when the company was taken from the hands of one "owner". Yet, at the end of the day, the decision will not be made by us (which is a shame). I would have hoped that those with Rangers at heart and the monetary power behind them would prevail. But they played their mind games and play them still. And I for one do not exactly care that e.g. King holds a personal grudge against Green or does not want to fill some institutional investors covers with money (how much, 10m?) that does not go to the club . The latter is stumbling from one non-football low to the next and he watches on. Whereas the Requisitioners (not exactly loaded with quality bar McColl) rather attack the current board than talk to them in a dignified manner.


Anyway, for now Wallace and Somers will get their time. We will see soon enough how they go about their business and whether some big nasty puppetmaster pulls the strings.

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  der Berliner said:


Anyway, for now Wallace and Somers will get their time. We will see soon enough how they go about their business and whether some big nasty puppetmaster pulls the strings.


The problem DB, is that the club does not have the luxury of time. By BS's own admission, the club will have no money from the IPO by April. Even allowing for income from matches, merchandise, sponsors etc. we will be in a perilous position as his statement was prior to contractual pay-offs to Mather etc. What happens if the existing board is re-elected as is and no-one from the nominees gets on? Will we ever get answers to the questions raised i.e. high costs of the IPO, constant changing of the NOMAD, why Toxic Jack is still involved with the club? More importantly, what happens if the existing shareholders decide not to put more money into the club? Will Ibrox then be sold and leased back, what about Auchenhowie, or is it the players that go? I think that if Wallace is sold in the transfer window, that will tell me everything that I need to know about the state of the finances but of course, that will be too late to make changes to the board.


I don't rate PM or MM, (Don't know much about the other two), but at least I would trust both of them to listen to the fans concerns, as well as secure Dave King as a serious stakeholder in Rangers. Allowing Somers, BS and co to remain in place is gambling with the future of the club.

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