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  Frankie said:
To be fair, there are a few reasons.


1. Parts of the board are new to this so deserve time to prove their worth.

2. The alternative is less than fantastic and are lead by people have continually failed to assert their authority.

3. Some fans are only interested in the football and don't enjoy the disruption.


I think these are fair reasons but recent comments from Somers and inaction/silence from Wallace means '1' is becoming less understandable with each passing day.


Part of that is this rather strange assumption that things can change at business level in a matter of seconds, minutes, days. It won't. As Somers has stated, he and Wallace had to get an idea what is actually going on, what has happened and what can be done about it. You read this "Board out" stuff and wonder: whom they are talking about? The only figure people could have an issue with is Stockbridge. What issue could a level-headed guy have with the chairman and the CEO? There are no other people bar the so-far faceless Crighton chap.


In essence, had they done that a month or so ago, you would have seen reason. Now it leaves you somewhat befuddled.


Re Somers statement ... as I intimated in another thread: if you are targetted with untrue or hearsay stuff 24/7 from the media and the Requisitioners, you ought to show some reaction. I would have hoped that Somers had shown more style, but I can see where his remarks are coming from.

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  ian1964 said:
Smoe people just bury their heads and put their fingers in their ears!,the camera never lies!.


Exactly. They are completely in denial. Thankfully their actions, voice and opinion does not relate to real life.


  Frankie said:


Understandably more people held up cards in the 18th minute but there were certainly large numbers of people who made the effort. I'm not completely sure just how many but like the Stenhousemuir game, there were clearly tens of thousands protesting IMO.


It always amazes me when people refuse to accept what their own eyes tell them. Sure, not everyone protested; sure, the number can be debated; and sure not everyone will have agreed with everything on the card but the fact is thousands of bears are clearly concerned with how the club continues to be run. No-one can deny that and, if they are, then I'm really can't understand their motive.


Yep, honestly Frankie. It is pathetic. Even with those pictures and thousands of cards held aloft, we have idiots claiming 20%, 13%, 8%, no one.......bla bla bla It's funny because if you look at the times people are posting,they are posting all through the matches as well, these people don't even go to games! Some support, eh.

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  Super Cooper said:
Yep, honestly Frankie. It is pathetic. Even with those pictures and thousands of cards held aloft, we have idiots claiming 20%, 13%, 8%, no one.......bla bla bla It's funny because if you look at the times people are posting,they are posting all through the matches as well, these people don't even go to games! Some support, eh.


... just a sidenote: you do recognize that there are many people who have no chance to get to Ibrox, or indeed Scotland? People who have an opinion as well and can post throughout a game?


That said, the amount of cards held aloft was imense, no doubt about that. I do reckon that the directors noted it and will make up their own minds.

You'd hope that they agree that change is needed and that Stockbridge has to go to appease the masses for the time being. Then again, I wonder whom these card-holders would have put forward as a decent substitute for Stockbridge, had you asked them?

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financial director is a job like any other. their will be thousands of good candidates you hold interviews and you hire a suitably qualified person and give them a job description and targets.


you don't hire your mate and pay him fortunes even though the company loses over a million a month.

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  der Berliner said:
... just a sidenote: you do recognize that there are many people who have no chance to get to Ibrox, or indeed Scotland? People who have an opinion as well and can post throughout a game?


That said, the amount of cards held aloft was imense, no doubt about that. I do reckon that the directors noted it and will make up their own minds.

You'd hope that they agree that change is needed and that Stockbridge has to go to appease the masses for the time being. Then again, I wonder whom these card-holders would have put forward as a decent substitute for Stockbridge, had you asked them?


Of course i do mate. I wasn't trying to belittle them in any way just making an observation.


Excellent question, i also want to know who would replace him.

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  der Berliner said:
Part of that is this rather strange assumption that things can change at business level in a matter of seconds, minutes, days. It won't. As Somers has stated, he and Wallace had to get an idea what is actually going on, what has happened and what can be done about it. You read this "Board out" stuff and wonder: whom they are talking about? The only figure people could have an issue with is Stockbridge. What issue could a level-headed guy have with the chairman and the CEO? There are no other people bar the so-far faceless Crighton chap.


In essence, had they done that a month or so ago, you would have seen reason. Now it leaves you somewhat befuddled.


Re Somers statement ... as I intimated in another thread: if you are targetted with untrue or hearsay stuff 24/7 from the media and the Requisitioners, you ought to show some reaction. I would have hoped that Somers had shown more style, but I can see where his remarks are coming from.


It's amazing how people misread other people so consistently and effortlessly in this whole mess. Now, apparently, those who have found Somers' opening gambits depressingly similar to those of the previous incumbent(s); who note the use of the same, squabbling language unsuitable for a chairman of Rangers; who found his claim that he'd never heard of Green et al as either bullshit or an indication that he's going blind into a job no-one should go blind into; who nearly keeled over at the thought of 'owing Brian Stockbridge a debt of thanks'; and who think that, while a CEO can support any team or none, a figurehead chairman ought to support the club are now guilty of expecting things 'to change at a business level in a matter of seconds'.


But just say that's true, & I did want that to happen.


David Somers comes in, has a meeting with the requisitioners, and, in measured language, points out all their faults and failings and announces that, regrettably, he won't be able to work with them. Of course, the decision will be made at the AGM but from his position, including going over the minutes, he feels it would be a backward step. Then David Somers tells whoever is releasing & writing our statements to leave out the kindergarten stuff, & from now on we'll be attacking the other side with class. It may be a put on, a disguise, but that's how we're doing it.


I suggest that would have taken about a morning at most.


But it's not about expecting miracles. It's entirely about finding Somers as a chairman a very square peg in a round hole - he's not a Rangers fan, he apparently knows precisely zero about the club's history up to an including one month ago, yet he's in a position to release infantile statements which suggest he's up to his knees in the trench warfare every bit as much as Paul Murray. Considering he has done very little, it's quite a tribute to his unsuitability that he has managed to get so much wrong.

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  the gunslinger said:
not everyone who protested would have had a card and not everyone who might have read the card and agreed would have had the chance.


but as frankie says very clearly tens of thousands protested.


My son and I were a few minutes late getting into the ground and there was no-one left handing out the cards at the time, so those on RM can increase their risible estimates of the numbers protesting by 0.00005%.

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  Crawford01 said:
My son and I were a few minutes late getting into the ground and there was no-one left handing out the cards at the time, so those on RM can increase their risible estimates of the numbers protesting by 0.00005%.


someone on here estimated 10% taking part but with no cards.


that's 4500 people alone.

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