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Not convinced threatening a boycott is the best idea in the world. Understand fans have the right to decide whether or not to invest their hard-earned but if administration is as much a threat as some suggest, then is a boycott really credible?

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"Despite raising £22million in a public share offering last December, Rangers are facing serious financial problems."

This tells me all I need to know. The board gravy train must be derailed and the interests of the club put first.

Can't be there tonight but fully behind the demo, more power to your elbow I say!

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Will be c 400 miles away - and in danger of not even getting to an internet feed for the kick off - but my thoughts are with you. I don't think our enemies (our owners) care what we Rangers' fans feel and think (mere slaves to be tortured at whim) but at least if we lose to them, you will have made the opposition to their flagrant abuse and greed apparent.

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Proof is in the pudding. Much regards to Zappa for allowing me to post this...


There has been much rhetoric but no actual proof of wrongdoing hence i side with D'Art.

Surely the vote at the AGM shall clear up what the shareholders want etc.


Nice to see you are ok btw.



You quite sure you are in the right place mate?

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Not convinced threatening a boycott is the best idea in the world. Understand fans have the right to decide whether or not to invest their hard-earned but if administration is as much a threat as some suggest, then is a boycott really credible?


I think it underlines our complete and total disempowerment Frankie - there is no other effective means, imo, to effect change other than to withhold custom. Its a consequence of paying fans nothing more than lip service over the years that they have little or no other means of expressing discontent with the way our club has been run.


Im actually surprised that the SOS have received so much negative feedback for their latest initiative - to me the removal of BS and TJ from our board has been the most justifiable and substantive of the recent SOS campaigns in that there has been plenty of evidence of failings/wrongdoing by both.

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It isn't always the message that is the problem, but the way it has been delivered.


I think that has been an issue through out the campaign against the board is the way people have tried to get their point known, and also the wording they have used.

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It was another respectful protest last night. Not brilliantly attended but given the midweek match and the heavy rain, I think around 100 at the front door wasn't bad going. Add in BF1 chants on the 18th and 72nd minutes, there remains a small but vocal number of unhappy fans.


Generally though, SoS do have a conundrum now. Sack the Board and Vote them Out are interesting chants but with arguably only Stockbridge and Irvine the focus of the negativity, it's difficult to keep a general protest from becoming personal which isn't always conductive to widespread support.

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