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Aberdeen's annual account are out

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Lifted from FF:



They release the accounts a midnight last night! I had a quick scan of them after seeing a post on twitter. Lowlights include:


£1.4m loss for year to 30 June 13

£0.5m drop in turnover to £7.9m

£5.26m wage cost (67% of turnover)

£15.1m net debt (191% of turnover)

£0.6m of bank debt to be repaid by Dec 13, £5m by Dec 15 and £4.7m by Dec 17.

£2.25m of debt coverted into preference shares in the year.

£3.5m of other loans to be converted to preference shares over the next 3 years.


Also, £2.9m sitting as an asset relating to their new stadium project. This will have to be written off as a cost if this does not proceed. Their auditors have raised an emphasis of matter re this in their report.


Might have missed some stuff, but it shows how much they're struggling, which is nice.

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Anyone got any clue how they will be able to stump up 5m till December 2015? They would desperately need to sell some players or at least participate decently in Europe a couple of times ... even though that may not ease the pain, as they have a 15m debt dragging them down.


BTW ... weren't it the SPL who was all too welcoming to the SFL 1 clubs with regards to reconstruction et al? Methinks all SFL clubs got some 2m annually from the SPL pre the takeover. I wonder how much money will be distributed amongst those very same ex-SFL teams in the summer.

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