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Push for agm?

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The directors have the legal responsibility to ensure the company holds its AGM within the Companies Act ("the Act") time limits and can be liable to criminal action (penalty - fines) if they don't. One option is to remind them of that!


If persuasion will not work rather more drastic options include a member applying to the Secretary of State for a direction to hold the meeting (see section 367 of the Act)or members holding a tenth of the paid up voting shares serving a requisition for an extraordinary general meeting (section 368). Where a requisition is served the directors must call that meeting to be held within 28 days from the meeting notice date.


If the board fails to do so the requisitionists can send out the notice of meting themselves. The requisitionists could propose resolutions about the matters of concern (eg special resolutions to give instructions to the board) or even propose the forcible removal of directors under sections 303 and 379. A petition to court that the company's affairs are being conducted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to some members is also possible (section 459), although inevitably slow and expensive.


Cecile Gillard, Senior Legal Adviser, Jordans Limited

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