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I got a response from Jane Lewis - I got the feeling she was less than impressed with the latest gaffe.


There are a few people at BBC Scotland who will have the professional pride and balance to be embarrassed with such childish reports.


Unfortunately, Jane has been quick to defend similar nonsense in the past so I doubt she's one of them. In any case, I think she's a freelancer so it's in her interests to stoke up controversy.

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Well its certainly going to result in a deluge of protests - I wonder when those at BBC Trust will initiate an investigation into what is going on up here.


BBC Scotland are already the least popular regional arm of the corporation.



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Ofcom is just looking to get in there somewhere ... and BBC Scotland are throwing that door wide open. A) because they are providing bad journalism and biased information that borders to lying; and B) the Trust as their controlling body seems to have no real power.


NB: They have changed it to 2011 by now. ("Accident, apprentice ... bla bla ... ")

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Pah, not worth more than a dismissive wave of the hand.


'We note the latest immature attempt by a state funded broadcaster to irritate its' paying customers and will treat it with the same contempt it shows viewers and listeners.'

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