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So far, these have all been names that have been reported in the media, which I kinda thought.....


everyone has been talking about Frank Blin (originally), the Christian Purslaw.....How many folk had actually heard of either of these 2 before they were mentioned in the media??? I suppose part of my point is that we get told such & such is interested & is a great guy and large number of folk simply follow that, and are convince they are the best thing since sliced bread.


On paper it is VERY easy to make someone look like the ideal candidate....


There are a ton of very capable businessmen out there with great CVs. But most of us have never heard of them because they are not media hogs. You have to look at their CVs and judge for yourself if you think they are competent. I have seen Blin's CV and it speaks for itself. But Blin is not alone. Take a look at the Rangers Group on LinkedIn and you will see a bunch of other Bears with pretty good CVs.



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Frank Blin's business and governance credentials are impeccable, as will be his ethical credentials given his professional background.


Purslow would be a coup too given what he did at Liverpool and the fact that he stood up to Hicks & Gillette and, effectively, forced them to sell Liverpool as they couldnt service the debt.


Frank Blin and Christian Purslow would be astounding appointments, but I won't be surprised at all if neither of them are appointed.

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Actually, some people on another board have heard that David Longmuir might (sic!) be a candidate. Just a rumour though.


He would be an excellent choice not least in respect of his knowledge of Scottish football, government contacts etc and from what I know of him would absolutely relish going in to bat against Doncaster and a great deal cheaper than Christian Purslow though not with the anything like the same international reputation.

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That's a bit off, Craig, David Holmes was responsible for bringing Souness to the Club and the revolution that followed after years in the wilderness and ever dwindling crowds. He does not get the credit he deserves.


I should have maybe clarified.... I suggested SDM for humour value.


I suggested David Holmes because much as though my post possibly doesn't suggest it, he is someone I would happily take back at Ibrox. David Holmes absolutely does not get the cedit he deserves.


I guess what I am saying is I agree with you, and my original post was intended to suggest David Holmes as the type of person we SHOULD be aiming for.

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