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Board statement - Notice under section 338 of the Companies Act 2006


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Honestly, I see nothing but bare info to the stockmarket in this statement, which was to be expected.


Generally, with all due respect, it would be reasonable for some on here to quench their utter dislike for the board somewhat, as it does become rather embarrassing too.


I take your point, but the final few paragraphs of that statement can only be read as a child stamping its' foot and saying 'It's not fair!!!!"'

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So you're an expert on statements issued by boards of directors? You honestly think that the statement is neutral and only contains the relevant facts? :D


An inability to accept that people can analyse issues better than you may also be embarrassing. You suffered with that when it came to Whyte. You were unable to look at the bare facts and make an informed decision and you're falling into the same trap again.


Have you become forlanssister in disguise? We had hardly any info about Whyte and his background and while on hindsight "it is great" for FS et al to have been right about Whyte, how would you or I know that any info given by someone on a football board is any more valid or true than your own or - indeed - what comes from official sources. I took all that was with the proverbial pinch of salt and tried to say objective, but even FS did probably not expect how heinously Whyte worked along.


Anyway, we've all wisened up by now and while I sure give you and some others more credit when it comes to these statements and how they translate, I don't see need to sling mud at them every time they open their mouths. THAT was what I was pointing out. Maybe it is the sign of times, but even if they and many others can't hold on to certain standards, I would find it sad if we can't keep them either on here.


Whether the directors are or not doing a good job is slightly more subjective but the statements that they come up with are very much less so. They are an embarrassment to our club and this one just adds to the list that people should be given formal warnings for.


There is no doubt about that and many a statement are quite childish indeed. That said, and you will agree, some remarks about the board members on here have gone over the top?

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