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Kieron Prior on Snyde now

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I caught this interview as it was playing in the dentist throuhgout my appt (painful in more than one ways....)


It was rather interesting what he was saying and how he was coming across - he was very outspoken about Green, Whyte and Ahmed and also stated that he didnt foresee that we would post a profit for the next few seasons.


Over and above that - the show is absolutely ridiculous. I had the displeasure of listening to a woman form Manchester give her thoughts on the Celtic game which was made worst only by Macca giving his thoughts and that irritating laugh. Gary Ralston then urging her to go onto youtube to look for Neymar diving. The next caller was a so-called financial expert (Celtic fan obviously) giving this opinions on the Rangers accounts and then started the whole 'new club' speil and insisting that its all 'propeganda' that we are the same club etc.


So tedious a show now......the introduction of Macca has got to be the last straw for this.....


PS. Thank the lord i wasnt getting serious work done otherwise i would have had to endure more of that!!!

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