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What a lot of crap.If you want to wear coloured laces then wear them. If you are Homosexual then fine I don't give a dam. But for fuck sake I as manager want you playing football on the park and not making political statements of any kind. Our club are paying you to play football,not to be running around thinking you are making a statement.

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What a lot of crap.If you want to wear coloured laces then wear them. If you are Homosexual then fine I don't give a dam. But for fuck sake I as manager want you playing football on the park and not making political statements of any kind. Our club are paying you to play football,not to be running around thinking you are making a statement.


Sadly football has become the de rigeur vehicle for all kinds of political statements. Hardly a week goes by without a black armband for someone or other until we reach the point we're at now, where it has little or no meaning. I reckon the fact that clubs which trade in the millions send players out with black sock tape round their sleeves instead of spending about £70 on actual armbands tells its own story about the falseness of such gestures.


That said, if it does any good then fine and well. Attitudes to homosexuality have radically altered since I left school in the late 80s and this kind of thing is about a decade overdue. I'd have thought there were more effective means available, though, than some indistinguishable coloured laces. From my perch high amongst the rafters I can rarely tell who is playing, never mind the colour of their shoewear.

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Just comes off as a bit patronising to me.


Like racism and sectarianism, I don't think homophobia is a huge issue in sport. Yes, there will be some bigots but generally speaking if a Rangers player came out the closet tomorrow, I (and I'd fancy a huge majority of bears) couldn't care less.

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If the players are doing what they are supposed to be doing on the park then there shouldn't be many rainbow coloured laces left after 10 mins. Anyone whose laces aren't turning a shitty brown colour should be asked what they've been doing all that time.

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