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I know what Irvine is, I think I mentioned I have family who've come across him, certainly not shrugging my shoulders and I want him out asap.


But on the issue of appointing him, well so many folk have done it, you even alluded to it yourself that Paul Murray will have likely worked with him previously when on the Rangers board.


All the more reason to say enough is enough.


At the end of the day SDM appointed MH and PM would, as with most decisions, would have had to like it or lump it. And that's my biggest criticism of people like PM and AJ; they lumped it too often. Perhaps why he's so motivated now - he accepts his mistakes and wants to right them.


I certainly didn't see Mather explain the appointed of Jack in his statement. Or indeed, the bizarre Green recall. But then again Mather will only be doing as he's told.

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I'd hazard a guess it will be a mixture of things why Blin has walked away, and McColl won't be blameless.


I doubt he could have seen enough to come to a conclusion on the finances though.


of all the reasons possible i don't think it will be because of his close friend mccoll.


i'm certain it's not because the finances are rosy.

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Someone on here tonight said that he doesn't see anything wrong with the Easdales. It's difficult NOT to blame that.


Many bears just want to move on from this nightmare.


I don't know the Easdales either and as a lofty East-coaster I'm not as well versed as my West coast brethren in their methods of business. As such, can we really expect fans to delve too deeply into the background of such people. It's just the way of the world.

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All the more reason to say enough is enough.


At the end of the day SDM appointed MH and PM would, as with most decisions, would have had to like it or lump it. And that's my biggest criticism of people like PM and AJ; they lumped it too often. Perhaps why he's so motivated now - he accepts his mistakes and wants to right them.


I certainly didn't see Mather explain the appointed of Jack in his statement. Or indeed, the bizarre Green recall. But then again Mather will only be doing as he's told.


I think Green's recall made enough sense from an investment point of view, whatever else you think of him he did raise a fair amount of investment for the club. Sadly he gave an interview and it all went to pot pretty much straight away.


Mather is someone I want to see given a good chance but i'd like to question him on Irvine for sure.

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Many bears just want to move on from this nightmare.


I don't know the Easdales either and as a lofty East-coaster I'm not as well versed as my West coast brethren in their methods of business. As such, can we really expect fans to delve too deeply into the background of such people. It's just the way of the world.

I just don't actually see what is up for debate here. We have been absolutely crippled by tax cheats and are trying to rebuild. In comes someone actually convicted of such a crime? And we welcome him in?


It's like some sort of comedy sketch.

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I think Green's recall made enough sense from an investment point of view, whatever else you think of him he did raise a fair amount of investment for the club. Sadly he gave an interview and it all went to pot pretty much straight away.


Mather is someone I want to see given a good chance but i'd like to question him on Irvine for sure.


There was no need to appoint Green as a consultant. If they wanted to keep their investors sweet, he could have done so informally very easily and avoided the kind of adverse publicity that ensued.


Most probably, Green was brought back as a pre-cursor to a new board role but he, as usual, buggered it up.


All in all it was awful judgement from Mather and the board. And it's contributed directly to many of the issues we're seeing now. Add in Irvine then it's a very poor performance so far from Mather. Possibly harsh given he's only doing what he's told but it's only going to get harsher.

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I just don't actually see what is up for debate here. We have been absolutely crippled by tax cheats and are trying to rebuild. In comes someone actually convicted of such a crime? And we welcome him in?


It's like some sort of comedy sketch.


Like it or not, the majority of Rangers fans are not interested in political matters at Rangers. Apathy nearly killed us before and it remains our biggest obstacle as the next chancer adjusts his tie in the directors box.

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