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pounds, shillings, and Spence.

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A couple of journos have contacted me reference the club Chairmen that called BBC Radio Scotland about Jum's presentation of the 12-12-18 plan. Apparently, there is some interest in Jum's intestinal travels amid the sour underbelly of Scottish football. I told both I would provide the information on this forum.


On that Saturday afternoon in April, BBC Radio Scotland was preparing for Open Mics coverage ie over a dozen representitives attending various games. John Robertson was at Elgin and City's Chairman approached the Hearts legend to voice concern. Next up was Cowdenbeath's Chair and he highlighted Jum's son having access to information currently denied to him. I am told Annan Athletic's Chair called in but was not patched through.


Doncaster, Regan, Lawwell, Thompson, et al got together to formulate the plan and decide on it's presentation. Jum was selected and he went for full throated consummation of the succulent slow cooked soured underbelly. Some might say Jum is a hypocrite, continually pointing broadcast fingers at others, whilst gorging himself?

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It says a lot that journos are only patching in to some of the detail of that particular incident some 5 months after the event.


Its not as if it was something that was unknown. Whilst I may not have known the names of those who complained, although I'm sure I had heard about the Annan Chairman being one of them, it was surely a fruitful line of enquiry for an intrepid reporter to take? At least, to be able to put down some copy that would add to the story - i.e. to whom and why was information being leaked; and why are legitimate concerns of clubs being overridden in this way?


Its no wonder that the decline in newspaper sales shows no sign of stopping.

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