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pounds, shillings, and Spence.

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Those of us old enough to remember the arcane system of Imperial weights, measures, and currency, do so with the absolute necessity of attention to detail. There were 20 shillings to the pound, 12 pence to the shilling, and 240 pennies in the pound. We were conditioned, look after the pence and the pounds will look after themselves. The pence was the basic building block and it is similarly so with the former Tayside college Law lecturer, Jum Spence who wants his Dundee cake and to eat it too. Prefacing all his comments on Rangers with, "I am saying this from the safety of the east coast"; was a flagging up of his march to martyrdom. He was anxious for immersion into the warm waters of victimhood.


Last summer, he demanded contrition from Bears, shrugged-off Bears' legitimate grievances with the word, 'consequence', and led the charge to extinguish our club with the battle cry, 'sporting integrity'. Jum eulogised the Rangers Tax Case blog and often flashed his professional background to legitimise the blog's message. Jum's broadcast vocabulary such as, 'industrial scale' became a parrot of the blog. He was an absolute devotee, he worshipped at the altar. When Rangers won the big tax case and the entire blog was deleted that evening, Jum lamented the Orwell prize winning crib sheet.


Jum's need to chorus was quickly sated with the appearance of Charlotte Fakes. Like Cosgrove, he acknowledged it's more than dodgy relevance; however, he opined the requirement to ignore it's provenance because the information was too damned good. Credential flashing was supressed in favour of big fun. Again, like his pal Cosgrove, CF was vital because it exposed the sour underbelly of Scottish football. Since CFs only referred to Rangers, it appears Jum and Stuart accepted Scottish football can be distilled down to the Bears, there we can agree.


It's interesting that Jum is concerned reference Scottish football's sour underbelly, Cosgrove defined it as a certain club's heavy influence over particular journalists. In other words, the succulent lamb effect. In April of this year, the 12-12-18 plan for the future of Scottish football was first aired on BBC Radio Scotland. On the Thursday evening Spence presented Sportsound and described the idea as exciting and a panacea for our footballing ills. Roddy Forsyth pointed out that 12-12-18 confined Rangers to the bottom tier for another season, Jum dismissed his concern with, "it's not all about Rangers". I wonder if you agree that Jum's retort sounded a bit sour and if that truly was his conclusion; why such unequivocal support for Charlotte Fakes?


Two days later on Saturday afternoon's Sportsound, Jum was allowed to reveal he had been in possession of the twenty-something page 12-12-18 plan for over a week. In fact, he had given the entire plan to his late teenage junior playing son for a couple of days, and he agreed, "really exciting". Rheinhart Gordon joked, "how did you manage to come by this"? Jum laughingly replied, "ah hiv ma sources". Again, the concern of Rangers remaining in the bottom tier was summarily dismissed. Fifteen minutes after Jum's BBC Radio Scotland had backslapped him heartily, three Chairman called in and wanted to know where Jum got the plan and could they send it to them because they had NOT seen it. I am informed more than three club Chairs called to expose Jum's underbelly but BBC Scotland's Producers were intent on fire fighting on his behalf.


We know that Jum founded and edited an Arab 'zine for a decade, we know Dundee United's Chair, Stephen Thompson was a big mate and a member of the SPL committee, and we know Jum loved the idea of stiffing Rangers. Further, we know a big part of Jum's depression last week was his beloved Tangerine's decision to ban him and BBC Scotland because of Sportscene's trial by TV. Jum, and today's presentation of his predicament have conveniently ignored this fact. It got lost in the interference being run whereby Jum evoked Pastor Niemoller's words and compared himself with holocaust victims and ra Bhoy in Corduroy found his inner-Dorothy and labelled Rangers supporters complaining as, "the Stasi".


Charlotte Fakes also disappeared into the blue nowhere while Jum suffered the slings and arrows of martyrdom. The situation has changed and maybe Jum will adhere to his legal training and begin to consider opposing arguments and objective presentation of evidence? I suspect shops will return to displaying prices in guineas(one pound and one shilling) before Jum succumbs to being fair about Rangers and Rangers supporters.

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26th...I always enjoy your input, another fine read and yes "Bhoy in Corduroy" is a superb description of those who work on BBC Scotland and "Rheinhart Gordon" brought on a smile to my face, my wife who was sitting across the room asked me, whilst reading this on the laptop, what I was smiling at, I just made up something she isn't into football at all.

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26th...I always enjoy your input, another fine read and yes "Bhoy in Corduroy" is a superb description of those who work on BBC Scotland and "Rheinhart Gordon" brought on a smile to my face, my wife who was sitting across the room asked me, whilst reading this on the laptop, what I was smiling at, I just made up something she isn't into football at all.


You did it wrong again you should have said you were imagining your night of mad passionate love. Another chance missed.:ohoh:

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