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Man Utd 0-0 Chelsea and the premier league

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The so called greatest league in the world has its first heavyweight clash of the season and it put me to sleep!


Is it just me or is the Premier League getting more over rated by the season. More times than not these big games fail to deliver. They are saying this game was played to early in the season, ive never heard so much junk in my life. If you aren't ready from match day 1 then when are you going to be ready. I remember Rangers used to play Celtic normally around the 3rd game of the season in the 80s and early 90s and it never disappointed, in fact when we won the famous 5-1 game in 1988 when Wilkins hit that peach, that was the in August and the 3rd game of the season.


Ive got 4 cable boxes (2 for TV and another 2 for Premier League) due to the Premier league being on a different provider and Im ready to scrap 1 of them. There will be some good games over a season and I think this Sunday will provide that (Liverpool v Man Utd and Arsenal v Spurs) but the majority of the season will be run of the mill entertainment. For me it should be box office stuff, as due to my time zone the weekend games are Saturday night TV and every game is on a different channel yet I find myself flicking from 1 to another as Everton v West Brom or Hull v Norwich is difficult to sit for 90 mins.


I find the Bundesliga much more appealing and have done for about 6 or 7 years so watch that as much as possible, the fact its been at its peak in the last year is great, but even 6 years ago I found it interesting to watch.


It probably says something when the majority of the absolute TOP players go to Spain and Germany if playing in Europe.


Chelsea have the chance to have a cracking team with great flair - Hazard, Oscar, Mata - yet Mourinho went to Old Trafford and played for a draw. Imagine Barcelona doing that?


Teams like Swansea, West Ham and Newcastle (you never know what to get from them) are nice to watch yet when they are up against the likes of Stoke its hardly appealing to make you stay in and watch the game.


Ive never been a Spurs fan but it would be refreshing if them or Arsenal could go on a run and challenge for the title. Even throw Liverpool into the mix...make the other teams go out to try win a football match.

Edited by Gribz
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