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Which article was that where Jackson had a pop at Traynor?


"A former friend and colleague of mine fell out with me at the start of the year when I wrote that today’s Rangers lacked class on and off the pitch. I take it back. With Green around, they do not lack class. Rather, they are utterly devoid of it."



I couldn't remember what it was, just that it was a dig at JT. Looking back it's not as personal as I remembered but enough to irk JT into a response possibly.

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the record clearly has been supporting mccoll.


now the club are attacking it.




That's a very one-dimensional view, IMHO. The Record has published various stuff by various people and factions, but they are not exactly untainted or impartial or utilized by one party only. If they write rubbish, the club has IMHO an obligation to remark on that, much like they did with the BBC. And as far as we know, the Record is sure no paper your normal Rangers supporter would pick up, as they carry a distinct anti-Rangers agenda. It is pretty obvious though that a) they need to sell papers, and b) they like the Rangers boardroom struggle and inficting far to much than to miss any story about it.

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"A former friend and colleague of mine fell out with me at the start of the year when I wrote that today’s Rangers lacked class on and off the pitch. I take it back. With Green around, they do not lack class. Rather, they are utterly devoid of it."



I couldn't remember what it was, just that it was a dig at JT. Looking back it's not as personal as I remembered but enough to irk JT into a response possibly.


See my post above. Sure an open media chap's opinion about our club and its state and many will jump on any criticism of it as it is covered by "press freedom" and whatnot. But if someone calls you that, will you just take it on the chin and walk on?


As I said above, somesuch is far from being faction-fighting et al. The Record has been one of the front runners of negative (and some positive) newsmaking, but lots of mischief and rumour-mongering too. And the latter far more than what is acceptable. At long last the club reacts to that openly. The various "factions" that are said to utilize the Record can easily switch papers if they had any sense.



If our lawyers act on this, they will probably not do it with the racket of a Green et al. And it won't be done withing 24 hours of any publication or dig at the club.

Likewise, it is nigh impossible for the club to react to all rubbish being spouted, but we sure would all welcome more of the above open criticism. While the media will sure suddenly act "as one" and condemn any critique, they will think again if they do not receive any info from within the club, i.e. info with regards to the football side of things. (For I doubt that the boardroom folks can keep their chatterbox shut.)

Edited by der Berliner
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....Nor can we react to every journalist and publication who appear to pursue an anti-Rangers agenda, publications such as the Daily Record which today boasts yet another headline which does not accurately reflect what manager Ally McCoist said in his press conference yesterday.



What was twisted?

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The record is no friend of our club.


Nor is it an enemy. Its a newspaper with dozens of writers some of whome are great friends of the club and some who arent. If people want to worry about the record while we have spive removing millions thats up to them but we have bigger problems.

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