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walter statement coming soon.

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exactly my point. As chairman, he would have had to be neutral. After resigning, he can speak openly.


He can do, but beyond what's in his statement I don't expect to hear much more from him. Mathers earlier statement seemed to show some concern that Walter might spill the beans on exactly what's been going on at the club. We've come to expect that sort of behavior from some, but for Walter it's a case of doing what's best for the club. Which is why he hasn't aired our dirty laundry in public with this statement.

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exactly my point. As chairman, he would have had to be neutral. After resigning, he can speak openly.


A Chairman doesn't have to be neutral, he's perfectly entitled to express his opinion and vote accordingly in Board meetings; but you are absolutely correct that as a director he has to do what is best for the Club and that includes not speaking publicly about anything that could possibly be construed as harming the Club. In the present circumstances that would be a very difficult balancing act.


But I also don't think we'll hear much more from him.


I admire him for taking on a role for which he clearly was not suited and I admire him more for stepping down when he realised that he couldn't achieve the consensus required for change.

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What is certainly true about that is that Green has a mandate to cut costs and Ally & Co are top of the list.


This is a simple problem of partly our own making.

What did a lot of us want after Whyte? A shareholding spread over many people (preferably fans) and not a dictator.

What did we get? A shareholding spread over many people (businessmen not fans) with no actual dictator but one who likes to act like one.


The problem could have been avoided if Jim McColl had stood up to be counted when D&P were touting us to everyone that had a American Express gold card.

For reasons known only to himself, Mr McColl chose not to get involved when he could have secured ownership of our great club for a song.


Walter and Jim McColl chose not to. You have to ask yourself why?

Green, as much as he has caused disruption, which I agree he has, has also tried to defend our club more than any of our previous custodians have ever done since the days of Struth and Waddell, and whether that was to protect his own interests, it was still a very refreshing change to what we have gone through for the last 30 odd years.


If Jim McColl now wants to take control of our club then he better start speaking to the fans and reassuring us that his way will be better and not just be another mess of "investors" that want to take from "The Rangers" rather than give their all for us.

He must also reassure us that he will defend us from our enemies and not fall back into the "dignified silence" of yesteryear.


If there is one thing we all agree on, here and all other Rangers forums, no matter who owns us we all want the best for our club, and if Jim McColl and Walter can give us those assurances then I will support them in any way that I can.

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Of course he bloody does ffs. Absolutely 100% without a shadow of a doubt. No question.


Who knows more about managing Rangers? You, or Walter?


You do him a disservice as a man, if you think a friendship would cloud his judgement on this. I'll judge Ally when he gets the chance to concentrate on football matters, and a proper budget. Much the same as what Walter said.


I'm no Ally fanboi, but he doesn't deserve to lose his job, not yet.

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