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Requisition Of General Meeting - Paul Murray wants in

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No, not at all. D and P closed the door on any bids when they made Chuck's group preferred bidders brought both admin and newco, TBK never got the chance to re-bid for t assets.


Nobody ever said there'd be an auction for the assets.


Kennedy told us that Paul Clark drove down to his house to try and talk him round about the newco route.

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Commonly known as trolling, eh simplythebest? :seal: :fish:


Amms has taken that the wrong way actually. This proposal isn't just about Blin joining. It's also about Paul Murray, a previous failed bidder joining, also about a CEO who seems to have been doing a competent job over the last three months or so being removed. Hence i'm not entirely convinced that it's good news or that the instability helps, that's not me saying that Blin joining wouldn't be good.


I don't see that as being an entirely unreasonable point of view.

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Nobody ever said there'd be an auction for the assets.


Kennedy told us that Paul Clark drove down to his house to try and talk him round about the newco route.


At what point were bidders told that bids were for both CVA and newco ? None, therefore potential bidders should have been given the opportunity to bid for assets. Club had different values as CVA and newco

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At what point were bidders told that bids were for both CVA and newco ? None, therefore potential bidders should have been given the opportunity to bid for assets. Club had different values as CVA and newco
I assume they were all told, nobody has said they weren't, TBK simply refused to consider newco, in their own words. The newco route being lower than the CVA was presumably an attempt to show the creditors they'd get more via a CVA.


Considering how our situation dragged on I honestly think we had no time for another bidding war anyway, so as unpopular an opinion as it may be I think D&P got it right.

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I assume they were all told, nobody has said they weren't, TBK simply refused to consider newco, in their own words.


Paul Murray repeatedly said he didn't want to go down the newco route, but while they were still in the running Kennedy went on Record in an article saying it was an option they would use if necessary, so I sincerely doubt it's true that they refused to consider it. If I was to hazard a guess at the truth, it would be something along the lines of D&P wanted bidders to consider the newco option as the PRIMARY option rather than a fail safe and that's where there was a disagreement.

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